Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Post a link here so we can follow it! :) 

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Yes. My DK blog, which is all about Darwin. Then I have my personal blog, which is both about Darwin, and about my cake decorating adventures...
Fabulous cakes, wow.  My best friend made the most amazing creations and I spent many hours over twenty years in her kitchen watching her while we chatted and drank coffee.  Sadly she passed away seven years ago.  Your cakes are the first I've seen to rival hers.  Brilliant.  I will be looking in again for sure.
Thank you so much, that is very kind.
I LOVE your blog! (I have a subscription to it via Google Reader.) In fact, I often share it with my daughter and my son's girlfriend. We are so amazed by your culinary skills!!!!
BTW Camilla, those cupcake pops look positively divine! Were they hard to make?
They were EASY to make! Sorry for the late reply by the way. I used these instructions by Bakerella:

I want to blog...not sure how good of a writer I am, but just yesterday I started looking into this.  What do you think of the following?

What advice do you have for me?

Do it! I have a blog and I really enjoy it. It's kind of link an online scrapbook for me. :-) You really can write whatever you want, and there is really no pressure. I mean come on, it's cyber space! LOL 


If you need any help with anything feel free to ask. I'm no expert but I'm willing to give any help I can!

Camilla, thanks for the encouragement.  Most of what I would blog about would be Rua...go figure!  I am sure you are all getting sick of me talking about her.  I figure it would serve two purposes - 1st, my family could read about Rua without having to wade through all of the other stuff on my page and 2nd, it would be a place to more easily track the training and progress.  It is hard sometimes to find a comment I added about an accomplishment Rua made.

Hi Dori! Like Camilla said, do it! I enjoy blogging. I'm not one of these "power bloggers" - I just do it when I have time for my own personal enjoyment. It's almost like keeping a journal or writing a column that friends can subscribe to. (Did you watch Julie and Julia? I loved that movie, and how she used a blog to get a grip on her life and make a commitment to doing something - anything - and sticking with it.)

Although there are a lot of free blogging sites out there, it's best to get your own domain name and set up a Wordpress site right from the beginning. This makes it easier for people to find and subscribe to your blog, and you have total control over it. FYI: My daughter, Gina, is an elementary school teacher and she designs/builds websites on the side to supplement her income. She recently started offering Blog Hosting. For the price of webhosting ($50/yr) she will install Wordpress on your site. And if you like the way Photocrati WordPress themes look/feel, she will even install that for you ($79 value) for no additional charge. Here's her website/info: I use a Photocrati theme for my website/blog (, and I love it! Please don't feel any obligation to use Gina's services. I just wanted to let you know it's available. 

Linda, I used to write a journal and like the idea that my family can suscribe to it.  I am assuming it means that if I post something, they get a notice that I did, correct?


I did watch and did love Julie and Julia.  There are a few people right now talking about doing WW together...because having a program, some structure, helps them be more accountable.  I really want Rua to be the kind of dog that people say "Yes, please bring Rua, we would love to have her visit." and MEAN it.  So, that involves training...not just every now and then, but I need to continue on and be committed to making her the best she can be!  I also really like agility and it would be fun to share about that.  Not to mention, I am really considering selling collars/leashes and agility equipment so I think blogging is a way to also offer your customers something allows them to see you in a more personal way.


For almost 10 years, I was a co-owner of a computer started as retail sales and then changed to sales/service/networking and training.  That was over 11 years ago, so I have been out of the technology field for quite a while and software has really changed.


What you mentioned about setting up your own domain name and site is what I have also read as being the best thing to do.  So, I guess the first thing I have to do is to buy a domain name. So, being the creative person you are, any suggestions for me?  Also keeping in mind that I might want to sell from the sight or do a portal like you did.  Some urology company has!








I will be more than happy to use your daughter's webhosting service!  I have to use someone, so I would much prefer to give my business to her than a stranger.  I'll contact her to get things started once I have a domain name picked out.  Perhaps I should start a discussion off the main page on this.  What do you think?


Speaking of your site...go take a look at your store page.  I think it needs to be adjusted!


I would love to buy a 30" x 40" print from you...but I have special subject in mind.  Betcha can't guess who!  Send me an email and let me know the best way to go about that. 


Thanks for your help!  Both you and your daughter are so talented!

It will be fun to help you brainstorm on ideas for a name for your site. Camilla can certainly attest to the challenge of coming up with just the right name, can't you Camilla? lol! And btw, WordPress has eCommerce widgets that can process payments via PayPal so setting up a storefront to sell things will be a piece o'cake. :)

I'm in the process of changing some things around on my "Store" page so it's been up and down this weekend.  

I would luvvvvv to do a commissioned painting of a "special subject" for you! Gee, I wonder who it could be? hehe! (My email is



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