Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Thanks for helping me figure it out, It was Lindsey that I met yesterday at Pet Smart, good thing she is smarter then me, and she was able to recognize us  by pictures.. It was so much fun to meet her!!!


I swear, nothing in the world can help me refocus myself back on to positive things faster then stepping outside myself and loving on or doing something for someone else.. Today.. I needed to stop thinking about myself and well Jack volunteered to be the center of my attention today..Plus, Jack has been doing such a good job baby sitting, (see below) he wanted to spend some of his allowance.



We went to all our favorite dog stores, Four total. first stop was Pet Smart.. I was only in the store for a few minutes.. (I am still feeling awkward about being out in public with my O2 LOL but I wanted Jack to get out of the house so I swallowed my pride for him and him alone.


I am SO glad I did.. I was in the store walking to the car seat isle. I am still trying to find a reasonable priced carseat.. anyway, someone came up to me and said, "are you on the DK website????


Dang if I can remember her name... I know one of her dogs names is Molly who is not a doodle. I want to say Amanda but I am most likely wrong...I am REALLY sorry I have a bad memory without prednisone with it, I am almost borderline demenita.. JK


Anyway, she recognized Jack, (and the fact that she just read on DK that I was on oxygen and I just so happen to have had a big old tank strapped to my back) Guess not hard to spot.  She said she recognized Jack from all his pictures on here. LOL..Gee I guess I may have posted one or two a few hundred pictures of him.


She was so nice.. and it was so fun to make a DK connection just by reading each other posts and looking at pictures. My brain is shot for remembering names. but anyway it was fun none the less. It is a small DK world after all. Of course Jack was distracted because at the same time as meeting her my neighbor Jack's all time favorite dog sitter and kids came up behind us, she Jack leaped into his arms...... Anyway chime in and tell me your name AGAIN, you only told me ten times... Geeze


We went on with our day and Jack even got a plain hamburger from Burger King. This was his first Burger King Burger, He like the burger but doesn't do carbs, just like his mom


.and I bought him some Lamb Lungs as a treat.. (The thought did occur to me to rehydrate the suckers and try slapping in me to see how they would work for me) but I caved and fed them to Jack


It felt good to be able to do something for Jack, to stop thinking about myself, and to meet a Dker. It just made my day....Jack got all kinds of new treats Beef Trachea, Lamb lungs, hmm  I wonder if I have a  subconscious theme going on here with all these airway parts??? LOL I even got him an additive for his water that will cut down on the tarter. Lots of fun,


Have you guys ever met another DKer on accident.. I am just lucky she saw me walking and not when Jack got to the bird isle and did a super fly slam up against the glass to try to play with them..


Happy Saturday





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My sister, April, who lives in California, was walking a few blocks from her house and encountered a woman walking a dog.  My sister stopped and asked if the dog was a Doodle.  The woman replied she was.  April said "my sister's dog Rua looks like your dog", to which Anita (of Anita and Ruby) replied "is your sister Dori?"
It's a small doodle world after all, its a small small world!!
Sounds like you and Jack had a wonderful day! Love your pictures. I have yet to see a doodle in person although I look when we go places that dogs are allowed. I think it would be nice to meet a DK member. Hope she see's your post and you can friend her. :)
It was kind of cool because she knew about my mom's dog that she is getting and everything... So much fun.. She has a dog named Molly I want to say her doodles name is Ollie but I could be wrong.
How fun to meet another DKer!  I've gotten to meet a few through pre-arranging and it was cool!
Wait till one day someone comes up to you and recognizes Rooney and Stuart.. It is so neat.....
It sounds like Jack is doing you good every day! I'm so happy you were able to get out and that you overcame hesitating due to the oxygen tank.I met a doodle from our breeder at the dog park but none of the doodle owners I've met belong to DK. I do my best to encourage them. I need to try harder. This is such a great place! hugs to you and Jack.
Jack does me good every second of every day.. He is just super that way.
That pic of Jack and the baby is just adorable and that second pic, well, now I want a burger. Glad you had a good day. Jennifer I have to admire your attitude, you are a good example for the rest of us.

Jack really loves the baby, It is very surprising to me, He does not mind when I hold the baby at all, he brings him his toys and stuff. He does like to sit on my lap too when I am feeding the baby.. I hate not being able to have the baby more... but I am happy when I do have him, he is so sweet,

I am really hoping this is an indication of how he is going to be with Molly, I am hoping he is old enough to not have jealousy but rather see her as a puppy baby too.


I don't know though when my mom is around his whole life revolves around what she is doing, He might not take so kindly to her giving someone else attention.....or he may just surprise me and take her under his paw like he did the baby.

What a fun coincidence! I wish I would bump into a DK member, that would be so fun!

I want to bump into you... I know I would recognize both you and Darwin.. I am going to be in Colorado for about two weeks in the next couple of months.. (we think) and I would love to meet up with people there.... I won't have Jack, but I think I will have lots of time at night to do stuff as my testing should only be during the day....





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