Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have a question for you... would you want to stay with other DK members when you are traveling?  Would you want to host DK members that are traveling?


On a different social network today (on the same platform as us) I saw a feature that allowed you to search for other members that would host your stay while in their city.  Call it couch surfing, spare bedroom squatting, whatever.  It sounded like it could be fun.


I would set up a new page where you could search for hosts in a given city or state.  You could then contact them and work out the details.  What do you think?  Would you want to do that?


To make it work you would just have to answer one additional question to your profile:  "Would you host other DK members as overnight guests in your home?"


Let me know what you think.  I could set it up in a few hours and it might be a hoot.  I know I would only be a little scared of what Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said about us after their visit to Walla Walla.  :-)


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Clark - I'd have you over any time (lmao!!!).  Seriously I'd say count me in but for how long are they staying and are they bringing the dood - who is who I'd really like to see!!!!!

Oh My goodness that would be awesome. Some of our members could sleep on my floor! ha ha and their parents could surf our couch.

I can think of a few already, one imparticular that will be moving across country and I would love it if she stayed, though it wouldn't get her very far the first day (you know who you are).



It's a great idea but.. I would prefer to stay or have as guests only with people I have gotten to know well. So I would only do this on a more personal, not a listing on DK basis. Anyone is free to ask though : )
Hey F - where do you live?  The boys and I want to come visit - lol!!!! 
Anytime, northern NJ.
My house is always open!! BYOD!
I love that "BYOD"!!!  What if people puppy steal?  My daughter totally had Rooney from me in an instant.  Who ever stays with us - MY DOODLES WILL NOT SLEEP WITH YOU!  I'm drawing the line right now.
I would love it but it would have to be someone I knew too....
BTW, I invited the Pearson family,true it was smaller then, long ago when Adina expressed an interest in seeing the east coast. She said, egad, can it be true, that she had never been here. The offer stands with occasional free babysitting thrown in. Since my kids have no kids I'm ripe for surrogate gc.

You guys are right that there would have to be a level of comfort with who stayed with you.  This would NOT be an open invitation to all members to "Hey, come stay at my house!"  No one would be signing up to have unknown people stay with them.  It would be a way for someone to know the possibilities and then contact those member/hosts to see if it worked for them.


PS.  Jane, I think we will be pulling into Ft. Myers around 9.  We'll call you if we get lost.  See you soon!

It depends on which member it was... LOL

I agree, it would depend on who it is. 



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