Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I was in the exact same predicament as you, only I was first on the list, and had to choose from 9 pups, at 3 weeks old! I too knew I'd have to choose early, but I also knew there's not much you can tell at 3 weeks. So, we went ahead and chose a male pup in the color we thought we wanted. 2 weeks later, after all the others on the list had made their choices, we went back to visit our little guy. During that visit, I made an immediate connection with a little female (I thank my lucky stars she had not been chosen by anyone yet!) and cried all the way home because I felt I was betraying the male pup that we'd put so much emotional investment into up to that point. But, a connection is a connection, and I had to go with my gut. I called the breeder as soon as we got home and asked if I could change my choice. No worries,she said (I think she was terrified at first because she thought I might have chosen a pup that was already chosen). Lucy has turned out to be 'the one'. She is everything we wanted in a doodle, and then some. The point of all this is, things just seem to work out for the best in the long run. You've just got to have faith. (One hint when visiting the 3 week old pups, is hold them individually and only when the mom isn't around... otherwise you'll have a pup that is only interested in getting back to mom). BTW, you really can tell a lot of a pup's temperament, even at 3 weeks old. There will probably be more laid back ones, and other more active, spirited ones. That's not something that will likely change as they mature. Good luck!
That's pretty cool! I have two cousins that are brothers, I think they are four years apart, and they share their BD on 8/4
Hey Melody, I was in a similar situation as you. My litter was a mix of blacks and creams. I did not want black so that narrowed down my choices. Of the four females, first pick chose one of them. So down to three. There was something about one of the three girls left that was turning me off. Maybe the too light color, shape of the face, stuff like that. Anyway, I visited the litter at 3 weeks to choose between the two remaining girls.
The differences are very subtle at this age but they are there. I took a video with my breeder holding both on her lap. My aunt is talking and pointing in the video. Maggie (the one I eventually chose) was way more interactive with us. And then when it was snuggle time, she was extremely content with laying her face right under my chin. I don't pretend to know anything about puppy temperaments, but I took those as good signs. She also had some physical characteristics Iiked: nice color, beginnings of curls, boxier face shape. I am very pleased with my choice. Everything I have heard from the breeder since then has confirmed my decision.
And frankly I think that it is possible to let's say, over-think all the things that go into choosing a puppy. I understand how important it is and don't mean to belittle it, but I think you find yourself in a situation and you make the best choice you can. Then you love the little sweetheart and put your efforts into your own leadership skills. If we are poor leaders then the puppy, no matter the temperament, will not develop into being all that the puppy could be.
It was very tough to decide...had my eye on two of three and went with my heart! Thank you everyone...Bruin the Stanley Pup winner is....
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