Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

(Oh, poor doodle, little does he know what I'm about to do to him.)

Okay, the Traveling "I Love Intercourse PA" T-Shirt, now signed by Leslie and me, is ready to move on to its next destination. (Boy, is it ready.)

You know, this shirt:  

(It will be washed first.)


Would you like to have The Shirt visit your house?

All you have to do is come up with the winning caption for the photo below:

(Please forgive me, JD)

Ready, set...CAPTION!



(For Laurie's original discussion, click: Snap Caption & Post Contest)

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Good one, Donna! Hey, I thought you didn't want that shirt...LOL!!!
What can I say, start a contest and I get all competitive, go figure. These captions are cracking me up, just post something with a hint of naughty and we are all over it. Loved the weiner, no weiner!
YES, this one!
Close the window Mom, I think I feel a draft!

"Hey--you want a piece of this??"


OR "Oh dear, where did I leave those family jewels?"

I gotta fart.  Just blame it on her
I gotta stop spending so much time on that darn bike.
What happened here? I used to fit fine and now...
Just flaunting it for my girlfriend!! Come on over.. We'll make it work!

Jack said it is time to play "Wiener, No Wiener!"


Another weiner! (winner)

Jack just realized why that last shot of Tequila was a bad idea!


BTW, Love the picture of you in that shirt. I say that is a Calendar picture, for sure :)



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