Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

  I know there is loads on here about clipping but can can somebody please give me the idiots guide to clippers.  I have ordered the andis two speed which comes with a 10 blade.  What are comb guards for?. The set is coming free with the  clippers.  Can you explain what the clipper oil is for.  Riley will have a loose wavy fleece coat which I want to keep relatively long.  I am happy to short clip his belly and hair on his pads but which blade will I need for a decent length.  If i use it on his body and legs and do I need different ones for each area.   I also have a curved and a straight scissors plus a thinning shears. The groomer told me to get the purple Les Poochs and the mat zapper which I have also ordered plus a butter comb.

I think I can manage the scissors fine but the clipper is all new to me.  I don't want to waste money buying blades I don't need so all advice welcome.   I don't think I will be using it for a while yet as his puppy coat is easily manageable at the moment, I just want to be prepared.

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You will find lots of good advice in the Grooming Group.  It is very intimidating the first time and many of us are still learning.  Luckily, it all grows back and you can try again. Just so you know, I am no expert......currently one of my dogs is completely shaved down due to mats and the other LOOKS like she is giving the head tilt but it is just that her ear cut is uneven. But this is my advice for what it's worth.  First, always comb really well and get the mats out.  Then I use a 1 in comb with my Andis to go over the back and neck and upper legs.  This gives a pretty short cut so you may want to start with a longer comb attachment.  Then I use a shorter comb to go under the ears and under the tail.  The head and feet, I use scissors.   The benefit of combs as far as I can tell is they are easy to change out, and will let you go longer than the blades.  Plus blades get hot and can burn the skin if you are not careful.  I use the oil periodically but  I'm no expert on the why.  It does sound as if you have all the right tools to get started.  Did you have any idea it would be so frickin expensive to have a doodle?
Hi Nicky...Barb posted a link to the Andis blades which shows a good chart for understanding the length each number blade will cut.  She posted it within the last three weeks so you should be able to bring it up and study it.  The higher the blade number the shorter the cut.  Also, not all blades will accommodate a comb attachment.  I think they work on the #10, #15 and #30 blades only.  What the comb attachments do is they allow you to use one blade, i.e., #10, and vary the cutting length by changing out the combs.  The longest comb attachment in the set is 1 1/4".  So using that attachment and going in the direction of the growth you will probably get close to a 2" cut when all is said and done.  Maybe a bit shorter but never anything less than 1 1/4".  Also, by using the comb attachment it keeps the heat of the blade off/away from the skin.  Even when I do Gracie's tummy and sanitary I always use one of the shortest of the comb attachments which I believe is 1/8".  This prevents burning her skin with the heat of the blade and also razor burn by cutting too close and nicking the tender skin.  I keep Gracie short because we live in Southern California where it is warmer rather than cooler and she loves to be in the water and hates to be hot.  The length of your Doodle really comes down to you...the look you want and how you think a Doodle should look.  I love the long look but on Gracie it just doesn't work.  She starts getting an old lady look in her face and she looks old and fat.  Gracie is a very sleek and athletic girl and so by keeping it short she shows her true colors!!!  I have done a ton of research for a longer comb attachment and there really is nothing to be found.  I did spend quite a bit of money on the Laube combs which claim to cut to the length of 3 inches.  But, the catch there is that you have to order their special "cartridge" to attach the combs and it didn't fit my Andis clippers.  What the bottom line of their product is...they want you to buy their $500 + clippers.  Even then, I feel the quality of the combs are cheap and flimsy.  I own about four sizes and the cartridge but can't use them.  I wasted my money!!!  Hope this helps you in understanding combs/attachments (same thing) and blades.  I have taken two years to get my head wrapped around the blades and only after reading Barbs explanation and the chart she linked us to have I now got a better idea.  Good Luck...kiss Riley's nose please and tell him it is from us! is the Andis blade website that Barb posted.  It explains all the blades.  Hope this helps you.  As for the combs/attachments, you can go to or and order them.  They come in a set of about 10.  I have the plastic, metal and now the magnetic.  I am a sucker for anything that claims to be newer and better.  I think Barb recommends the metal comb attachments.

Thanks so much for that. I now know what those comb attachments are for and you explained a lot which isn't actually anywhere else that I could see.   I did actually already have the lengths chart saved in my "Riley" file but it's difficult to get into my head what I' or 19mm ( or any other length)  looks like.  I think you are probably right about the really long length as some of the dogs can look like old people  with all that drooping hair around their faces, especially if it falls straight down.  I have just found a one day course at a really good groomer which I can take Riley to where you learn how to use the tools and you get to practice on your own dog!  I will wait a few months for that though until we are into the coat change.

Yes, I did know how much this was going to cost ( and it is expensive ) but it is sure cheaper than horses which one of my children had and competed in dressage and jumping.  Nothing is more expensive than horses lol ; ) !!!!

Oh, I would love to find a place that gave one day courses on grooming.  I just may have to fly over to Dublin just to take the class!!!  ha ha  As expensive as it sounds to get all the right equipment, I figured after about 4 groomings I had just about paid for my equipment.  Plus, Gracie is a much happier Doodle staying at home and being pampered by her Mom rather than in a crate in a noisy room with a bunch of barking dogs.  Gracie is now 4 years old so I have now saved a lot of money only to be spent on DK tee shirts and pretty collars!  lol
Looks like they just changed this page and it is not nearly as useful now.


I just found this on the Petedge site.


Blades are available in the following styles:

  • Size 50 Blade has a 1/125" Blade Cut
  • Size 40 Blade has a 1/100" Blade Cut
  • Size 30 Blade has a 1/50" Blade Cut
  • Size 5/8 Toe Blade has a 1/32" Blade Cut
  • Size 15 Blade has a 3/64" Blade Cut
  • Size 10 Blade has a 1/16" Blade Cut
  • Size 9 Blade has a 5/64" Blade Cut
  • Size 8 1/2" Blade has a 7/64" Blade Cut
  • Size 7 Skip Tooth Blade has a 1/8" Blade Cut
  • Size 7F Finish Blade has a 1/8" Blade Cut
  • Size 5 Skip Tooth Blade has a 1/4" Blade Cut
  • Size 5F Finish Blade has a 1/4" Blade Cut
  • Size 4 Skip Tooth Blade has a 3/8" Blade Cut
  • Size 4 Finish Blade has a 3/8" Blade Cut
  • Size 3 3/4" Skip Tooth Blade has a 1/2" Blade Cut
  • Size 5/8 HT Blade has a 5/8" Blade Cut

You could also go the the Petsedge Website, they show and describe all their equipment.  I f you have a question I have found that they will be courteous and take the time to explain all their stuff.  I have learned  a lot about the different

blades from them as well, without having to make a purchase. 



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