Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

There are so many situations that lead to giving up a pet. Some are understandable somewhat, some just don't make any sense at all. Since most of us here have a dog someone else gave up, we are getting the love and devotion they are missing. I'm sure your dog in some way says to you, " Thanks for giving me a second chance!"

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And now Chili has a brother! Can't wait to hear this story and see the pictures of 'the boys'!!!!!

Becky - you are one amazing woman!!




Java Joe was a re-home.  I responded to a post on the breeder's web site offering to give him away to a good home.  I had his half brother, Capp, for about 4 months before I read the posting.  The breeder and owner were involved in a dispute, and the owner said she would give him away to a good home. I never planned to take in another large dog, but the owner seemed determined to find him another home, and he was Capp's half brother. He was 12 weeks old at the time, and the owner had him for 4 weeks prior to letting me have him.  I paid the fees to have him flown to the airport nearest my home. I think that perhaps he was not as allergy friendly as traditional labradoodles are, and the previous owner had dreadful allergies.  He also lacks the traditional labradoodle face.


Upon arriving at the local airport, he bounded out of the crate happy to see his new family.  He is a little impulsive, extremely energetic, but incredibly smart.  I am thankful everyday that we added this dog to my family.  He and Capp are totally devoted to one another, and we love him to pieces.




I loved re-reading all of the entries here.  I hope people continue to make entries for us to enjoy and appreciate as  happily-ever-after stories.
We rescued Riley from a shelter when he was 9 months old. We were his 3rd family. He is a wonderful dog. He is about 90lbs now (2.5 years old) and is very outgoing. He is a mouther, but he is getting better. We love him and are glad we have him.
I am so glad that Riley found you. I wonder why he wasn't kept by either of the first two families?  He is a beautiful dog.
We think the first family got him from a pet store and thought he was a cute little dog. When they let him do whatever he wanted and got to 65lbs they couldn't handle him. The 2nd people only had him for a month, I don't know what they were thinking. He is mouthy and jumps, but he is the sweetest, most loving dog and we love him.
Others' stupidity is your gain.  I am so glad the big guy ended up with you.

Pat - Diamond's story made me cry. I hear so many nasty rescue stories that you would think this one wouldn't get to me but it really did! It just goes to show everyone that all doodles are re-homeable with right family, which you obviously are!

They need time to adjust - granted Diamond took lots longer than most but with kindness, love and patience they can become the wonderful doodle that Diamond is!!!

Pat, you deserve a medal for bringing out the wonderfulness in Diamond.  You have worked so hard and never gave up.  You are one of the heroes.  You are right that you have a wonderful Las Vegas extended family.  I am envious of that.



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