Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We are now offering a new photo editing feature that I think many of you will LOVE. It is essentially a stripped down version of (one of the best online photo editors) that is plugged right in to our site.

To use it, go you any of your own photos and put your mouse pointer over the photo. A link will appear at the top of your photo that says "Photo Stickers & Effects". Click on that link and an editing menu will appear.

I'm really excited about this new feature.  :-)  Play with it and let us know what you think!

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I have a Mac so perhaps it works differently because copy and paste did not work for me.  I am going to try again. Nope, that doesn't work for me. I will see if I can do the URL thing. I can't get the URL thing to work either. Hmmmm
Nancy...I have a Mac too and copy/paste didn't work for me either. I think I copied the image to my desktop and then dragged it to my iphoto. That's where I was able to bring it up to post

Ohhhhh!   New toys.  I'll have to play later!  Excellent!

I love it!!!

I think my family if going to have me committed.  I have been in here laughing (with myself) playing with this silly thing.  I need a life.  Oh wait, I have a doodle life.

Rodeo Days in Tucson

You did a great job.
this is cracking me up!  what a HOOT! LOL!

This is great.  Thank you!

I sure hope they get creative and add more options.  I can see me playing with this every day.  It needs more female accessories/stickers, don't you think?
We CAN be good!


OK.  This was another test.


The easiest way to get your photos into a discussion thread (assuming you have already uploaded them to DK) is to:

1. Go to the individual photo in My Photos.

2. Right click on the image and select "Copy Image"

3. Then in the reply box in the thread where you want the image, right click again and select "Paste"



Good to know! And someone, who shall remain nameless once edited the cone away : )



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