Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Riley has been adjusting really well....  has not  whined at all! She loVES playing with all of her toys and George. Last  night she woke up at 12 am to go potty. I took her out and she went back  to bed no problem. Then at 5 am she woke up. I took her back out.  Well... this time she was ready for full play mode. I was not... I put  her back in her crate and she barked/whine for TWO HOURS straight until  my boyfriend got home from work around 7!!! I know I had to let her  bark, but will she eventually learn, "oh well guess I have to go back to  bed???"
Later in the day I had a family emergency come up and had to leave  her in her crate for the first time alone. She was in her crate from  6-9:15. When I got home there was a poop disaster in her crate, all over  her blanket and toy!!! Im a little concerned because when I go back to  work on Wednesday she will be in her crate for 3 hours most days.... I  hope she can start holding it better!!!


UPDATE: She woke me up at 3 am now for which i thought she would have to go outside and she had already pooped in her cage again! I made her crate even smaller... and took the blanket out for now. SIGH.
On another subject... I hope this doesnt gross anyone out, BUT...  everytime riley goes poop I have had to wipe her butt!! I am guessing  because her stool is loose it is sticking to her fur. Anyone else have  this problem? I never thought ever that I would be wiping a dogs butt  before. Is this normal?


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Amanda, Have your groomer do a sanitary trim back there and it will help. You should be able to find more information about the sanitary trim in the groomer's group. Good luck!
Yes if the poo is loose you may have to wipe her bottom, you don't want it to stick there as she will go red and sore. As she settles into her new home/food her poo should become more solid. You can also trim the hair away from her bottom and this will make it easier.
Did you get a snuggle puppy? This may help her settle... Otherwise a small ticking clock wrapped in a blanket may help her settle, or even a radio on classical music on low.
Yep, cleaning doggy bottoms comes with the territory but usually only has to be done when the poop is loose.  I would make sure that you clean out the crate and leave no trace of a scent so Riley doesn't go back to the spot.  This will all pass but for now it can be a little stressful and tiring too.  If you do have to leave her just be sure to time when you feed her to give her enough time to eliminate before crating her.  Good job puppies are adorable otherwise......?
Rooney can sometimes get a clinger or a "dingleberry" as I call them.  With his brown fur they can be hard to see but I can always tell if he has one because he acts kinda jumpy and will set down funny.  I keep baby wipes by the door and yep - wipe his butt if I think he has one.  A good sani trim by a groomer will put a stop to most of it.

Thats to funny a clinger.  Nelson does that same thing he hates it.  Ebby is good at clean breaks.  Aubrey well time will tell.  lol


Thanks everyone... I am hoping her poop will become more solid as days go on. I am taking her to the vet tomorrow too, to make sure all is healthy and get her second shot.

She does have a ticking clock next to her crate which I think really helps, and I ordered her something similar to a snuggly puppy off of amazon but it is taking forever to ship!

Yes I wipe the butt!! LOL
The question made me smile.  Early on after Charlie came to our house we noticed he had a need back there to be cleaned. My daughter and I were a bit grossed out so we came up with our own version of a Charlie Bidet   We took him out back and I held up his tail. She found the gentle rain wand that we use to water the flowerboxes and proceeded to give Charlie a rear end shower.  He was so mellow, almost like he didn't notice. She did take a paper towel to finish the job, but it was a lot easier this way and much more humorous. :)
LOL Thats great!! I am going to give her a bath today... but I will remember that for the future!!!

I carry these with me whenever I leave the house with Rua.



My DH came home one day at lunch, shortly after we got Rua.  She had diarrhea and made a mess in her crate.  He did clean it up, took her out, and then left.  I came home later in the afternoon and took her out.  She kept trying and trying to poo, but couldn't.  Finally, it squirted out.  She still had diarrhea and while my DH cleaned out the crate, he didn't clean up her behind.  So, she had dried diarrhea stuck to her and it was preventing her from being able to poo again.  I had to carry her into the laundry sink and it took me forever to get all of the dried poo off her.  Poor little Rua.


Dexter occasionally gets a dingleberry that we have to remove.  We buy generic baby wipes that we keep around for cleaning doodle paws and we use them to wipe his butt as needed. 



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