Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am sitting here typing and petting Huff. After a while I think he has fallen asleep so I stop petting him and he looks up as if to say "I didn't say you could stop". He keeps making me pet him more and more with that cute doodle face, but my hand is hurting.


Doodles... You can't live with them, you can't live without them.

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Our Oliver does the same thing, he hits u with his paw if u stop petting him.  He needs to be near us and feel a hand on him all the time...Doodles just love to be loved....
Exactly right, Doodles need to be loved.  Fozzy does the hitting thing when you stop petting him.  Or he sits in front of my husband and makes sort of a good natured growling noise until Dan plays with him.  My favorite thing is when Fozzy nudges my elbow with his nose as I'm typing.  Forces me to take a break!
Very funny, Bryce :)

Ebby does the same thing if your eating chips and arnt giving her her fair share she hits ya.  Its so funny.   Doodles are definately clown dogs.  Everyday is a joy with them.


Luna is currently standing beside my office chair making plaintive whiny noises and giving me the puppy eyes.  If I pet her she stops...  If I don't pet her the whining escalates to pawing and licking.  She is desperate!
Dexter does that all the time.  When I stop petting him he gives me a "why did you stop" dirty look hehe.
Gavin loved our trainer.  He would arrive for class and go right up to her swinging his butt from side to side.  Every class she would say "Oh you poor dear!  No one must ever pet you!"  Ha!  At the end of class when we got our "homework" she also instructed us to pet Gavin more.  He had her wrapped around his furry paw!  Sounds to me like Huffington has you wrapped too!
They are SPOILED!  Just like kids!

Doodles are just awsom you cant  help getting wrapped. it just happens




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