Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
So as most of you know Brinkley had quite the scare last week. Saturday we went for our second hospital visit where the gave him lots of fluids and gave us some extra medication. Well, he's certainly feeling MUCH better... and now I can't keep him still. I know he's felling better... but I also know that it's only been two days since we were at the hospital and I don't want him pushing it. He's always been an active dog that enjoyed running... and running... and running (with some fetch thrown in). But I also know that we need to work back up to that because his little body has been sleeping and fighting for a week straight. What a difference a couple days make because now I'm fighting to keep him chilled and relaxed. My frustrated dog is unleashing his inner puppy from within...He was never a huge chewer as a puppy but it's like he's channeling the puppyhood chewing stage that he never experienced. I just found him with a scotch tape dispenser in his mouth. Thank goodness he hadn't chomped down (ugh! and yikes!) And then I found him with a newspapper in his mouth (with the plastic wrap still on it!!)
Keep in mind, I have NOOOO idea where he found either... because I'm a stress cleaner. I've been under so much stress that my house is spotless.
I'm so glad that he's home and feeling better... but if he keeps this up, he won't be healthy for long. Both of those could have landed him right back in the emergency room.
We played ball in the hallway and nows he's sleeping. Phew.
I'm glad to hear that Brinkley is feeling better! Hang in there, this too shall pass!
I'm glad to hear that Brinkley is up and at it! A Scotch tape dispenser sounds like quite a snack treat... I can only imagine the problems with that being chomped!
Cocoa is too... I indulged her a bit when I was worried about her and now I'll have to do some work on retraining! She's started pulling her leash and barking at dogs- habits which were mostly under control before she got sick but now have returned (partly my fault- I was so happy that she was feeling better that I didn't correct her right away). I'm also watching Cocoa's mouth like a hawk- she was trying to eat dates from our palm tree, mushrooms from the lawn, socks from the laundry bin, just being naughty overall.
These doodles sure do drive us to distraction, don't they! Here's to a week with NO emergency room visits!!!
Now, it's time for you to come and stress-clean my house!!! I'll watch the doodles, but I sure do need help here!
I'm so excited that Brinkley feels much better! It appears his antsiness is a great sign ... umm, for him, but not for you, as I can completely understand your reasoning and worry. I'd do the same thing. Is it not amazing how dogs can give you the white-glove test? I know exactly what you mean there also. "Where'd you find that and how come I didn't find it while cleaning?" I'm now having to do "spring cleaning" on a daily basis - lol!
Brinkley, we love you and hope you continue driving your mommy crazy (meant in a good way, of course). ;0)
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