Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

It looks like there are quite a few of us who have just felt and earthquake.  It's a first for me.  DH and I were sitting here, each on our own computers.  We first heard something strange, and then he went to look for the dogs...thought they were into something.  Then he asked me "what's that shaking"?  The whole house was shaking!  It actually lasted for about 30 seconds.  I said I thought it was either an EQ or we were both losing our minds.  We got the Doods and ran downstairs....just in case.  They seemed to sense that there was something wrong.  Anyway, it was over quickly.  It sounds like this was up and down the East Coast.  Who else felt this....and how did your Doodles react?  Hopefully those closer to the epicenter are all fine.

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No kidding!!! Between you and I, I'm not sure how secure that painting was fastened to the wall...I didn't really feel anything!
Big time here too, Achilles didn't even flinch! Going outside is the best thing to do,good call Laurie
Sophie and I were working at the hospital and Lucy was home alone.  We felt nothing, she doesn't seem tramatized, so I don't think we felt anything although I've seen news reports of a building swaying in Cinti (we are just east).
Hope everyone who experienced this is alright!
We felt it in downtown Cleveland!
I'm here in centeral NJ and felt it big time. I am at work and my chair started to move, it felt like I was on a ride. We are having construction done in our building and thought it might be that. Then someone says "do you feel the floor moving?" then we all started to freak a little. My doodles are home alone in their crates - - I hope they did not get too nervous..... I am going to race home to them - I hope they are OK.

I live near an airport... I thought it was just another plane going by! 


I guess it was an earthquake...

I'm so glad that everyone seems to be fine!  How scary is that!  I've only been in one earthquake - woke up being tossed about in my bed, once you felt that - you KNOW you'll never forget the feeling - really weird.  Hunker down, there could be after shocks.

I am in NC and I had just walked in the house and was feeding wilson...I thought my whole house was coming down!  I ran outside and my car was shaking like crazy!  I have never felt anything like that before and didn't even know EQ's were possible in NC!   Didn't phase the doodles at all.

I was at the doctor's office with my son. I said " what is shaking?" and the doctor and my son both looked at me llike I was crazy.

They both said that they did not feel anything. I grew up in Japan, earthquake prone place. I remember having so many earthquake drills while in grade school.....

Glad everyone seems to be okay for now. I have quite a few friends and family on the east coast and everyone seems to be just fine. I hope that's true!

I am waiting until the day we feel a quake - there is a big fault line that runs through Memphis.

I can't imagine what that felt like so to all of you who were a little shaken today I say thank goodness it wasn't a big one and watch out for after-shocks (or so I'm told)  In Ireland we are pretty boring, no hurricanes, no earthquakes, no extremes at all, just lots of rain, oh and four seasons in one day.



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