Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Can anyone reccomend a brand for the dna testing? I am interested in what the results are like and what kind to pick since Huskins is a stray and I have no inkling about any purebread in him.

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So what else did her DNA results say? I'm still curiously awaiting mine!!!

Well Tara's test showed that she is equal parts Miniature poodle, Cocker Spaniel and Puli. Tara is an ALD so I knew about the Poodle and Spaniel but the Puli was a surprise.  I was expecting at least SOME Labrador Retriever!!  I discussed the results with her breeder who told me that there are very few LR genes remaining in ALDs because in the effort to perfect coat type and allergy friendliness the Lab genes get more and more diluted.  She laughed about the Puli and said NO WAY at least not to THAT degree! So that is why I caution you about believing too much in the results. It was fun though! I might do it again some time to see if I get the same results-just for fun! LOL!


Sorry yours hasn't arrive yet-I remember the waiting is AWFUL!! :( Can't wait to hear what they have to say about Huskins!

I can't wait either, i have a feeling he has yorkie or he may be the mini ALD. I will probably be completely blown away by something i never thought of. He may have cocker, but i just don't get that feeling when i look at him. My hubby doesn't understand my obsession with this, that's why I love DK! I can't believe Tara's has 1/2 cocker. I just don't see that in her. Wouldn't that be cockapoo anyway? Maybe later you could try the "designer breed" test from Wisdom to see if you get the same thing.

Yeah, they didn't have that designer breed option when I did it last year. But that would be the way to go now. In fact they told me then (after I called them about how Tara could possibly be a Puli!) that they were not set up to determine breeds accurately past the 3rd generation of mixing. Well Tara is a multi-gen so her line has been "mixing it up" for a long time! LOL! Major Mutt!!


Actually Tara's dad is a Cockapoo or Spoodle. Her litter was an "infusion" litter which  apparently some breeders do to keep a fresh inflow of genetics I guess. Her mom is a mini ALD. That was why I expect the Cocker Spaniel to show up on her test for sure. But now she is a Cockapoopuli! ROTF!!


I just looked at your other pictures of Huskins. I can see what you mean about the yorkie part. He does seem to have that coloring.  But definitely something else too! He is SOOOO cute!! And he looks really calm. Do you know how old he is? I know he was a rescue but sometimes vets take their best guess. Just a doll face!!

Oh, if you decide to try it, I was able to find the test kits at a greatly reduced price on eBay compared to the price they are asking on the Wisdom Panel site. :)
Cheryl..I recently just sent away for a DNA dog testing kit that is apparently coming from Canada. I have not received it yet although they reckon they sent it the day after I ordered it...1 1/2 weeks ago. Anyway, I will let you know how it goes when it eventually arrives. Apparently, these kits are successful if the dog you are testing does not have too many multiple breeds mixed in. I guess they are still in their infancy and have not fine-tuned the testing to really be able to tell you every part of the DNA strand. My Johnny was rescued as a "doodle" but my vet reckons PWD and so do many others that I have met on our walks, although I feel in my heart he maybe more poodle that PWD. Anyway, whatever he is, would not make us love him any more or less, just plain old curiosity.I paid $59.99 for my kit plus postage and from some of the looks like it might be an okay one. I did not check on Ebay though and wished I had as I probably could have got it cheaper and possibly he would have been "swabbed" by now and the result back already...ha ha. Good luck and I will follow up with my results...hopefully one day....
Ohhhh, lil' John John, I'm saying a little prayer for you right now. Poor guy, I hope he's gonna pull through and I bet he will! Thanks for sharing about Pancreitis, Huskins was a stray too and could have the same thing. He is such a couch potato, we wonder why he is soo lazy and have thought he may not feel well. I will check with the vet to see if this may be why. Anyway, I replied to you some time ago but didn't realize doing such through email is "donotreply". We were out of town and as a newbie to DK, I kept getting emails on my iphone and thought "cool" I can just email back. All those I sent were never even known, boohoo! Anyway, guess I'm kind of a dum dum!

In June, I sent off the Wisdom panel on my rescue puppy Finnegan. I might mention that I am in research and do dna testing all the time...just not on dogs. I tried to find out their procedure with no luck. In running dna samples, it is very  easy to contaminate the sample, say with the one before or the one after. Or simply mixing up the samples. There is no accountability for the test result...Its just "for fun". 

Finnegan came back as primarily Weimaraner, then dachshund, schnauzer, and husky.  What do you think?

He does daycare at our vet's.  The overwhelming guess in a Newfoundland.

I think Finnegan is a breed unto himself.....Whatever he is, he is just totally GORGEOUS....


Thank you. I may have to quit taking him to daycare at my vet. Every one who sees him wants to take him home.
Is he very large? Because if he isn't I would doubt he's a large part Newfie. I met a 4 month old Newfie puppy a while back, and she was over 30lbs. What if he was a Newfie, Schnauzer mix? I don't know, this is one of the biggest mysteries to me right now... LOL.
He isn't Murphy big, but at 14 weeks he is 24 lbs and a LOT of hair.



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