Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I HATE Stupid dog owners!!! HATE THEM!!!


Why would anyone bring a dog to a dog park if they know they have aggression issues?? It was apparantly the first thing this stupid woman said to some of the owners when she came in "my dog is sometimes aggressive with smaller dogs so be careful". SERIOUSLY??


So why then, when her dog is attacking my dog does she not get up, put out her cigarette, and pull her dog away? heaven forbid.


I don't really remember a whole lot about what happened, but I can still hear my baby squealing and don't know if I'll ever get that sound out of my head. Lucky for her my instincts were quick enough and her skin was not broken by any of the bites. It was certainly nowhere near as a bad as if it were an aggressive pit bull, but still, it was a very terrifying few minutes. Half the other owners in the dog park were in there pulling dogs away, and I had Sophie in my arms before the owner decided to get up and come over. Her dog kept jumping up and biting Sophie's legs trying to pull her back down, each time sophie crying out. Someone finally pulled the dog away, and that's when the owner the decided maybe she should react and take her dog away. I saw her leaving as we were checking Sophie over for any injuries. In then end I think I was far more shaken then she was (thank goodness).


Are there laws about stuff like this?? Isn't she obligated to keep her dog under control?? Can't she be fined??


In all the chaos I don't really remember much of what happened because of all the adrenalin rushing through me. All I know is my poor doodle wouldn't leave my side or interact with any other dog for a while. I wanted to make sure we left on a positive note so I tried to get her to play again. It wasn't until her friends Abe and Rufus came in about 15 minutes later that she finally started to perk up. That's when Abe's owner pointed out that I was bleeding. I guess with all the adrenalin I hadn't even felt the bite. At some point my left hand got bitten and my arm is badly scratched up. I have no idea if it was the aggressive dog, or one of the other dogs, or even my own.


Anyway, I'm ok, and so is my precious SophieBear, thank goodness. But what an ordeal. I'm still shaken an upset. Even though I've been awol from DK for a few weeks it was the first place I came to share my story and vent. Thanks for reading my ramble!




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Sherri, I really appreciate this comment--I'm glad that you aren't going to let this experience turn you off of dog parks completely when you know that Sophie loves them so much. Sadie and I have made so many good friends at our dog park--it's been really good for both of us. I know that the next time you bring her will probably be scary for you, but remember that it probably won't be scary for Sophie.
OMG! What a dumb woman! Something similar happened with Parker at a dog park a couple weeks ago and the owner was sitting on a bench facing the opposite direction with headphones in her ears! Parker was playing in an agility tunnel and this nasty dog went in to corner him for his cookie and I had to stick my foot in and kick the other dog to get her off of my baby! I really wanted to kick the owner! She didn't even apologize for her dog's behavior and we left shortly after because I wasn't going to put my sweet boy at risk for injury!

First I am glad that Sophie and you are okay. This is one reason we don't go to the park very much, not so much the dogs but the ignorant owners who don't stay with their dogs much less realize their dog is aggressive and then still come.Now we go when there are few others there. Usually that means early morning Saturdays when the dead beats are home sleeping the night before off!

you know, that is a great idea. Early saturday and sunday mornings are lovely at the dog park. I should stick to that, and spend the evenings meeting up privately with dog owners I trust.

Yeah we've found that mornings are great, but all the aggressive dogs seem to start showing up around midday.  Weekend afternoons/evenings seem to be especially bad for people who really shouldn't be taking their dogs to a dog park because they aren't well socialized.


Extra hugs for Sophie Bear for a speedy recovery!  (And you too!)

Oh Sherri...

I'm So sorry that you and your SophieBear went through such a horrible nightmare!!

I shudder when I hear stories like this...and...this is the reason that I would Never bring Sasha to a dog park!

You did everything that you could to help and protect your girl...and thankfully she wasn't hurt badly.

I just wanted to say that I think you are a good Doodle Mom...and you did you're very best to take of your girl!

I would go ahead now and do everything that I could to report the woman and her dog.

I hope you and your precious SophieBear will recover quickly...

Great Big Doodle Hugs To Both Of You...





Omg, Sherri, I am so sorry that this has happened to you and Sophie Bear. I understand what you mean about these awful pet owners that don't have a clue about raising and caring for an animal.  I am glad that Sophie is ok, but u need to go and get your hand checked out.  it is really not a good thing if the dog broke the skin on your hand.  You might need a tetnus shot, and while you are at it, REPORT this to the authorities, this dog should not be allowed in the park, on leash or off!!!...Sending hugs and comforting vibes to you and Sophie from your friends here in Florida...
So sorry this happened! Read my reply to the other dog park discussion as to my other thoughts about dog parks, but this lady and her dog should be banned from that park! I usually ask before i go in if there are any dogs that are not friendly--i know that seems silly, but you never know! The last time I went to the dog park, one woman removed her two huskies as we arrived because she thought they would get too excited around my 8 month old pup--nice lady! The other guy was very casual with his dog and I found out that the dog had been adopted as a rescue just a week earlier! So, I kept a very close eye on him and he turned out to be fine--phew! But , the point is, there are all kinds of dogs AND people in a dog park and you always have to be a bit (or a lot) on guard.
I'm so sorry.  I dislike dog parks because even when an owner is perfectly well intentioned and their dog hasn't had a history ... the dog can still be a jerk.
I think dogs who are nice "one on one" can behave quite differently when running with a pack of dogs in a dog park or elsewhere. I think some owners are surprised by their dogs pack behavior. That's when you hear"I just don't understand it. He's NEVER done anything like that BEFORE!"

I had a VERY similar experience with Darwin at a dog park once. The owner didn't say one word to me after, just left with his dog before even seeing how Darwin was. Is there rules posted at the dog park that you are not allowed to bring in aggressive dogs? Almost all dog parks I have been to have said that. If yours does, it means she's in violation of the regulations. You could maybe call her in if you see her at the park again?


I hope Sophie recovers quickly, and that your wounds heal as well...

The trouble with the dog parks where Sherri and I live is that they are REALLY huge.  It takes us almost an hour just to walk once around the main path.

Here is the album of Luna's birthday photos to give you an idea: Luna at the dog park


It's really tough to gauge who will be in the park and which paths they may have gone down.  There are some responsible people who take their more aggressive dogs down the less traveled paths, muzzle them or keep them on leash.


The one good thing about these parks is the wide open space.  Luna has become wary of dogs that look like they are not approaching nicely and steers clear.  She does, however, have a tendency to do "fly by's" as I like to call them.. charge at dogs then at the last second veer away to get them to chase.  Not sure how to fix that one :p




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