Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

On 9/11 as I was leaving the hairdresser's a lady was walking in saying that a plane had hit the World Trade Center - I thought it was some kind of accident but when I turned on the radio I heard that we, America, was being attacked.  I felt like the air had disappeared - I could barely breath, my hands started to shake.  I had been heading into my real estate office but I turned around and drove a few miles away to the nearest T.V. - at my dad's house.  By the time I walked in the second plane had already crashed into the other tower.  The scenes on the TV were horrific - I was scared for our country and I was angry at those that could do such a thing.  Shocking to watch as they played the videos over and over.  People jumping from the towers was the worst part - I fell to my knees sobbing.  The Pentagon, the airplane over PA - it just kept getting worse.  As the first building collapsed - I could only pray to God.  All those people, their families - unimaginable.  As the days went by there were hero's emerging from the tragedy, some goodness in the face of all that evil.  10 years later the thing I mourn the most is the loss of innocence, the loss of trust in people, the lost of a sense of security that I will never have again in my lifetime.  I travel frequently and I'm reminded every time I go through the airport.   I stood last week at the World Trade Center site - along with machine gun toting police. 

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Gail/Kathleen, I am in tears. Thank you for sharing your traumatic experience. My heart is with you. You have been through so much in the last ten years.
I am so sorry your eyes and heart have been forever changed because of what you witnessed.  Thank you for helping your fellow employees and for going the extra HOURS for that disabled person.  I'll bet that person still prays for you.  I'm saying a prayer for you right now.  Bless you. God remembers His angels here on earth.

OH my GOODNESS, Gail!  Thank God for small miracles!  I am so sorry you had to witness all of that!  I can't imagine what is must have been like for you!


God bless you....
I simply can't fathom having to wittness those poor souls jumping to their death.  They estimate that around 200 people chose to jump rather than burn or suffocate to death.  How very kind and brave you were to take care of getting all the employees from your company out of harms way.  I think I would have post traumatic strees disorder from seeing something so horrific.

Gail, All I can say is wow. Your a true angel and hero for the way you looked out for your employees. Especially staying with your disabled employee. I know what you mean when you say it seems like yesterday. It doesn't feel like 10 years.

When I started reading this discussion, I was fully aware that there would be stories from people who were close to the scene but not this close. God bless you that you were delayed and then for being a hero for your employees and bringing them all to safety. I'm so sorry you were apart of that, of the pictures we saw on tv but could not even imagine placing ourselves in that situation. I hope you are well today, you are blessed and we are thankful to you.
I usually don't listen to the news til latter in the day or evening. Truly there are some things that I'd rather know later on. My cousin called and told me to turn on the TV. As soon as I heard about the first plane I knew it was premeditated. And then I watched the second. It was one of the most beautiful days here. It still seems unreal and I think of it every time, which is often, I see the NY skyline. And yes, I'm hearing the reports of car or truck bombs and I'm going to the city tomorrow and both my sons live there. You just have to go on.
God bless yout family F stay safe!
We were in Ireland celebrating my DH's 60th birthday. We were touring the Alwee Caves in the Burren. When we came up through the gift shop the crowds and shock were unbelievable. We ran to the parking lot to listen to our car radio. We listened all the way home. Our daughter was working and living in Manhattan and her office was at Times Square. The news was rather vague as to how far the debris coverage was. When we got to our hotel I ran inside and the front desk told me that our son had left a message. He was able to get a hold os his sister and she was fine and in lockdown before having to walk home! our son lives in Boston and I knew he was flying out of Logan Airport but not sure of which day. Again since we were not getting all the facts other than two planes from Logan had been hijacked, I was in a panic wondering if it was his plane. He was fine and had flown to Florida the day before. Since he still had his rental car and there was not a rental car to be found with people stranded all over the US, he kept it and drove back to Boston. We still had two weeks of our vacation left so we never got bumped from our flight...though when we did leave the security was unbelievable! My daughter lost some young friends who had just started their first jobs after graduating from college. She said it was so horribly sad to attend funeral ceremonies where the caskets were empty because there were no remains to put to rest. the people in Ireland were amazing to us! Everywhere we went they were so sympathetic to us and our country. They held church services all over especially for those traveling from the US. This was such a sad time for all of us and I am one who "WILL NEVER FORGET!"
So grateful to hear your family was safe.
I was sleeping (we are in CA)  when my brother called from NY to say he was safe. That is when we turned the tv on and saw the second plane crashing in to the building. I was speechless with horror and burst into tears. Having grown up in a country with frequent terror attacks from Islamic extremists, I thought we were safe in the US. My sense of security was shattered. My daughter was 4 months old then and I wondered what kind of environment she would grow up in. I will never forget that day .



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