Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone! 

Ember has a pretty large (maybe 1-1/2 inch in diameter) bump on her lower shoulder/top of the rib cage area. When I part the fur, it looks normal, not red or anything, but it definitely is some sort of mass that I hadn't noticed before. It's pretty distinct... I'm surprised that I would have missed it before... 


She got her 2nd set of shots & microchip on Thursday of this past week, but because I was so anxious about the shots/needles I didn't look to see where they were injected... could it possibly be this? It seems too low though on her body. I thought injections usually are on the neck area. 


Not sure if maybe she got bitten or stung by something. I'm worried! It does not seem to be tender to the touch even though I keep poking at it...


We don't have a vet appt for a few weeks for her next set of shots. Should I make an appt sooner? Or wait and see? 

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Definitely could be related to the shot or microchip I think.

Tara had a large bump once at the site of one of her injections. I called her vet and they assured me it occurs quite often. Maybe you could just call the vet's office and tell them the situation and they should be able to tell you if they gave her a shot in that location.Also, they should have scanned her chip while she was there so they might know where it is too.


I think she would be scratching and letting you know if it was a sting or bite of some sort.

It should be ok, Chloe had one on each of her sides a couple months ago about the size of a golf ball right after her shots and it was hard. We watched it but called the office and they said it was probably a reactin to the shot but then it turned out bigger so DH took her in and they shaved the spot and had to drain stuff out of it?

I would call the office if it doesn't go down in a day or 2

Keep an eye on it.  If you bring her to the vet now, they will probably just tell you to wait and see anyway...and charge you for the visit of course.  If it grows, I would bring her in sooner, but if it stays the same size, I think you will be okay to wait a few weeks.  We had to bring our Seamus in recently because of a swollen lymph node.  They took blood to see what was going on with it, but I doubt they will do any tests on Ember if she just got a shot and microchip recently.  Maybe it actually IS the microchip?  They do put it around there I think....
Just want to say that I'm sorry your little Ember has a "situation" already. She is such a darling pup.
It sounds like where a microchip is and yes, they do give shots around that area too. Or my two have gotten them there. Just watch and wait and listen to the good advice already recieved. Let us know?
It also could be a fatty cyst.  My Gracie Doodle has had one for over a year on her side by her rib.  It is under the skin and you can sort of roll it around and is the size of a large pea or small marble.  The vet aspirated it and all it was was greasy oil.  He said that next time she had to be put out for a procedure to remind him and he would remove it.  She also has on her shoulder/leg a bump that looks like a fleshy mole.  He has measure it and continues to check it when ever we go in.  It has not enlarged and it also will be removed when she needs a procedure.  Everything is recorded on her chart and so far, no reason to panic or think otherwise.

Thanks you guys. I feel much less anxious about it and will continue to watch it and definitely make note of it when we go in to the next vet visit. If it gets bigger over the next couple days I'll take her in. 


I am easy to panic when it comes to my adorable little girl! Thank you for the reality check! 

Amante had a similar lump after his shots. i would of course still call vet and ask. It was gone in a couple days.


Wally had one just like what you are describing where he got his rabies shot. When I called the vet they said it was probably just a reaction to the shot and to watch it in case it got bigger or started to bother him. I noticed that it ruptured and was dried blood (after he went to try out the local doggie day care) When I took him in to see the vet about it they denied adamantly that it was due to the rabies shot (this was a different veternarian than the one that gave him the shot)  They insisted that it was an infected abcess but I know it wasnt (there was no external injury) They proceeded to clean it and put him on antibiotics (and charge me $140) When I insisted upon seeing the vet that gave him the shot he said there is no way to tell if it was from the rabies shot or not but it could have been. He said he has only seen a reaction like this to the rabies shot twice in his career. I hope your puppy heals fast and my recommendation would be to try to keep a good eye on it!


Hi Jen...

Just checking in to see how Ember is doing today?

I hope the bump that you found on her shoulder is starting to go down?

Looking forward to hearing a good report...





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