Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Maggie has a new thing going on - she licks KoKo's inner ear.  KoKo doesn't object but I'm afraid she will end up with an ear infection. What's with the ear licking?  I scold Maggie for this new behavior but she continues to do this.  Any suggestions?



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Seda lick's Webber's ear a well.  I think it is nurturing behavior.  She has been doing it for over a year now, and no infections or problems.  Webber grunts with pleasure...
We had two Goldens and the submissive one licked the dominant one's ear, for years. No problems.
Lexi comes to me and licks my ear once a day. As soon as I get in the recliner where she can reach me she comes over for a few minutes... She likes to lick behind my ear...thought the wife might get the hint LOL !

This isn't anything to be worried about...

It's usually the sign of dogs getting along and closeness...and the submissive dog usually does this to the more dominant one.

Actually...sometimes you see a dog try to do this to his owner...(smile)

A cute story...

One day Sasha's BFF..Sweet sons Jack Russel Begal Mix was standing on her hind legs (she needed to do so to reach Sasha's ears while Sasha was in a sitting   and  Sweet Pea was licking and grooming Sasha's ears and face...while Sasha just sat there...looking Very contented!

It was an amazing site...I must say...

They looked so loving...

From what I've read...there is nothing for you to worry about...

Just keep an eye out for any irritation...if this goes on often.

Oh how sweet! I doubt it's a problem.
Lola licks DH's ear all the time!!!! She almost licks my parents' hound's ear, and now that I think of the submissive/dominant thing makes sense. Saba (my parents' hound) is definitely the dominant one!
Bella licks both DH's and my ears first thing in the morning and it is so sweet. And sloppy, but sweet. She bites and tugs on Murphy's ears, but he does the same to her. I don't see a problem unless the ears are always wet from maggie licking so much.
A lot of dogs do this to each other, but I have never heard of a dog getting a infection from it.
Guinness is always licking Molly's ears, so much so that her ears always have more mats in them I need to work out or trim off.  I'm not sure about the submissive one being the licker though, Guinness is always trying to prove he's the boss of everyone.  Of course we all know it's really Molly who is in charge so maybe it's only Guinness that thinks he's the boss.

Luna licks people ears constantly :p  It's her way of giving "kisses".  She sniffs the ear, then licks it (trying to get her tongue inside), then nibbles (grooms) the earlobe.


Luna is DEFINITELY a submissive dog, she rolls on her back for even the tiniest of dogs and even young puppies, so I would say the submissive dog explanation makes sense for me!



Mine do this all the time to each other. I think it is affection.They will even switch off. Every know and then the puppy gets included but he is still a bit hyper to enjoy this type of calm doggy love. I woud not discourage it I think it creates bonds between them.
Thanks for all the responses.  Years back I had two dogs at the same time and they didn't indulge in this behavior so it worried me when Maggie and KoKo started doing it.  I'm glad to know that its okay and won't cause problems.  Nice to know you can get answers to anything and everything here on Doodlekisses.



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