Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was wondering if anyone has had a dog with a liver shunt or could provide me with info regarding liver shunts?

A little background info, Bailey was diagnosed with HOD (bone disease) and has been in remission for 3 months now and hopefully it will not return!!

So a pre-op bloodwork (he was going into get neutered), Now may indicate there is a possibly he has a liver shunt. His bile acid levels came back and his results while he fasted was 100 and 242 after he ate protein!! From my understanding, the bile acid level should not be above 14.9. The next step will be an ultrasound to see if a shunt is present. We have gone to another vet to get a second opinion. She saw Bailey yesterday and was very alarmed that his urine was a brown color (he peed in her office). So she sucked up the urine into a syringe and had it tested. She took another blood test and will be getting back to us tonight or tomorrow with the results. I also provided her with Bailey's vet records from then previous vet.

I am freaking out! First Bailey goes through this awful bone disease and now he possibly has a shunt!? I am feeling like he just can't catch a break...poor pup!

Thank you for any info you can provide me!

Melissa & Bailey Boop

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I am sorry to hear about Bailey. Here is a quick Wikipedia article:

Melissa,I am so sorry to hear this.....I don't know anything about this , just know that Bailey and your family are in my thoughts and prayers......((( hugs)))

Thank you F Parker and Sherrie.  Well, we had the u/s two weeks ago and a shunt(s) were detected.  Bailey is on a high dose of Clavamox and Lactulose.  He is scheduled for surgery on Thursday to hopefully repair the shunt.  The surgeon has warned me that if there are multiple shunts or the shunt is inside the liver, Bailey's chances of survival are minimal.  The u/s also showed that Bailey's liver is significantly smaller than it should be. His kidneys and bladder are significantly bigger than they should be with stones in each.  The surgeon is trying to be optimistic, but she said she is very concerned with his bile levels being so elevated and him showing signs of hepatic encephalopathy (hence the need for the Lactulose).  He has showed signs of aggression, frequent urination and problems with his legs (shaking uncontrollably at times).  Mike and I are trying to be optimistic, but the surgeon is not so optimistic.  Right now, the meds are keeping him somewhat normal, but he is peeing every 30 - 45 minutes and sometimes it is a dark brown color and when he runs it is red.  The Lactulose is producing fudge type poos. 

My poor sweet Bailey!  The thought of possibly losing him Thursday is just devastating!  And to make it worse, my husband is on travel for work and will not be here for the surgery.  We are just dying here!!!  :(

Melissa, please keep us updated on Baileys condition. We may not be there in person,but please know that all of us are there in spirit. If you feel an odd sensation it is us sending you a great big hug. Thoughts and many prayers coming your way. ((((((HUGS))))))
Melissa, I am so very sorry.  Please keep us posted. I think you should post this in the main forum to get more attention and more happy thoughts/prayers for you on Thursday.  Best wishes for Mr. Bailey :)
Keeping you and Bailey in our thoughts and hoping for the best possible outcome.
Bailey and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry the little guy has been through so much in his short lifetime. Hoping for the best for Bailey!
I have no words right now to explain the grief I am feeling. Bailey did not make it. He is in heaven with my sweet Sammy. Thank you all for your support, kind words, prayers, and love! I miss him so much :(

My heart aches for you, I am so terrible sorry for your loss.

Melissa, I am so very sorry to read about your sweet Bailey. My thoughts and prayers are with you!!
Oh heart is just breaking for you and your family. Pets are such a big part of our families. Please know that all of us are sending lots of hugs and prayers up for you. ((((HUGS))))...
Melissa - Sorry for your loss.  I know we were all hoping for a better outcome.  There are no words to express the the sorrow.



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