Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Sometimes when I feed Sadie her breakfast in the morning she isn't immediately interested in it and instead wants to go back out into the yard. For the past few mornings, when she stands at the door wagging her tail to go outside, I point to her food dish and say, "You are not going outside until you eat your breakfast," and she walks over to the dish and starts eating. Does she suddenly understand complete English sentences? (Keep in mind that the rest of her comprehension is still a bit spotty--"leave it," "drop it," and "off" are apparently completely foreign to her at times.) Do any of your doodles respond to sentences/phrases like this?



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I think she IS a doodle genius!!! :)

We were talking in the Training Group the other day about our doodles responding to the commands "Don't even think about it" and "I don't thing so!!" LOL!  It's hard to stay ahead of these doods!

Yes.... my Shelby loves to steal my shoes and nightshirt and take them out the dog door into the back yard.  She doesn't destroy them, but does steal them.  I have recently begun telling her - go get my shoe and I point to the dog door.  It takes her one or two trips to figure it out, but she is getting better at it.  Pretty amazing.  Now if I can just stop the shoe stealing all together - that would be great!
Sadie steals shoes and clothes as well and takes them into other rooms. (I'm sure she would take them outside if she could!) She doesn't destroy them either--she takes the insoles out of my walking shoes and sticks her face in the shoe as far as she possibly can--but never really chews on them.
Sadie is adorable and brilliant!

Becka...I agree with the others...Sadie is both Beautiful and a Genius!!

I also agree with the selective hearing part!  Lol...

mensa-quality genius!
Yup! A genius for sure!! The pointing helps too! Although I am sure that my doods are usually picking words that they know like "dinner" out of the sentence i am saying, Mattie (the smartest of our three) does know a few sentences as an entire phrase. One that comes to mind is "There is a doggie on TV". She will run to the living room and watch for the dog.
Yes, of course Sadie is a genius!!!!!  I think the Doodles know us so well that they can figure out what we're saying even though they don't speak English.
Your pup sounds pretty smart - I too wonder how much of our speech they understand.  I think our Remy is very smart but he has selective listening.  He comes when called - when he feels like it.  He thinks it's a game to come to the door and run away when we open it.  That's annoying but I know he is just wanting to play.  He is obedient in other ways but he definitely has a mind of his own.  He's wonderful but we're still working on training him not to jump up when he gets excited and to come when he is called.
I think she is a genius as are most Doodles!  The one that amazes me with Shadow is now when I say "I'm going to work", she immediately goes into her house and waits for a treat as she knows that will be my next request...



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