Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I saw a show on TLC a few weeks about about "creative groomers".

There is actually an association for them called The National Association of Professional Creative Groomers.  I saw a photo floating around Facebook today and after looking at some of the photos and reading a lot of the comments I wonder how others feel about this?  I am personally wondering how much these dogs are really enjoying it? Could they be?  A lot of these dogs are poodles and the TLC show focused on poodles - I wonder how long it will be before they start using Doodles since they are the "perfect" dog!!  Can you imagine Joanne's Spud with his corded do as Bob Marley???


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I personally don't care for this. It is basically using another living being as your "canvas" for your artistic expression. Similar to tattooing I suppose but without having the permission of the other party. There is no way to discern if the dog really "enjoys" it or is merely tolerating it and being obedient. I can't imagine sitting/standing still for hours while someone works on them is any dogs idea of "fun" but I could be wrong...not for me...
Very good point about tattoo's but not being able to decide for yourself.
I think it's more along the lines of a bad hair cut rather than a tattoo....but I agree nonetheless.  These dogs better have a pretty fantastic life on a day to day basis to make up for this :)
 This is certainly entertaining and shows some real talent, I don't know if it's actually any worse than a regular grooming, just a lot more creative. The link to the videos is to a show I saw last year and they were already using a doodle in the show. It's not something I would ever do to my dog.
Do they show the doodle in the video clip?  Which one was it?  I watched a little of it last year to.

Spud won't have cords until December.  He will get shaved each summer, so Halloween Bob Marley is OUT.  But this is a must see video that pertains to the topic.   ENJOY

I loved it!!!


I have to say that I'm not a fan.  I think it would probably be safe to say that none of us have a dog that "LOVES" to be groomed.  Do we have dogs that tolerate it, yes, some better than others.  However, I just think that it has to take a whole lot longer to do something like this than it does a regular grooming and I really don't see a reason for it.  If it were an adult that you were asking to stand there and model for you and they had the voice with which to say No, then it is a different story.  Our dogs will go out of their way to try and please us, and these dogs stand there and behave to try and please their owners.  I just don't think that it is fair for us to ask them to do it!  That all being said, I think that some of these are very unique and the people are very artistic and talented, I just think it is at the expense of the dog.   My opinion -- Find another way to show your creativity.
Hunter is very easy to groom and does just stand there but I can see the look in her eyes "is this ever going to end?  can you just kill me now and get it over with".  I think these dogs have the same look!!
Why can't we just let them be dogs????
Once again I think this is cool looking but seriously goes too far.  I don't think using a living creature as art is a good thing to do.  These dogs can't voice their feelings or discomfort.  I'm can't say because I don't know but I can guess that they aren't doing it because the grooming part is fun - they are using their dog to get attention FOR THEMSELVES.  I've been to agility trials and you can spot the people that are all about drawing attention to themselves - yes they are the ones yelling and jerking their dogs when they don't win.  :(  

The thought of a dog standing, or sitting the length of time it takes to do this obviously far outweighs the time it takes for a regular grooming and I think that is the crux of the matter. 

I think it's cruel and ridiculous.



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