Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


There was a recent discussion that brought out some strong opinions  and although not everyone had the same opinion the discussion was civil and friendly. 

 Unfortunately the person who started the discussion did not like some of what was discussed, so she decided to leave DK and strip her comments out of the discussion. ****UPDATE - AS OF 10 am EST the whole discussion has been removed****


There are times that we don't all agree and that is OK - I respect all of the DK family and try to treat all with the same respect that I would like from them.


We all come here as a community, to share and help each other.  There are "hot" issues about our Doodles and a healthy and lively discussion follows.  We can each learn from one another.


I encourage everyone to voice their opinions.



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I think the problem was that she put her dog in the middle of it and then got protective of her dog (as most moms would) because it was  difficult to just answer her questions without discussing why starting a breeding program with her dog and without responsible breeder as a mentor was a problem.

I personally don't think that it would have been fair to her to address her questions without addressing what she was planning to do.  If the members had simply said I paid what I paid because my dog came from health tested parents and didn't say that it was also squally important that the prior generations also be health tested then they would have been giving miss leading information.  If you don't get the "whole" story then you can end up with a litter of 12 puppies that nobody wants.


I personally encounter individuals just like the poster probably 2 or 3 times a week.  (as I'm sure many of you do).  They want to know if I breed Lucy and Sophie (or better yet have I allowed them to have puppies) and when I say no, they want to know why.  Or I encounter people telling me about the dog they have at home that they are going to breed.  I even had one the other day tell me her dog had gotten out and gotten pregnant by the neighbors dog ... which of his dogs she wasn't sure, but the scary part was that the neighbor was a VET!  OMD I just had to bite my tongue and walk away.

How bored would we be with this if everyone said the same thing or whatever you wanted to hear??? Oh well. Camilla has some good points!
I think she was trying to be open and cordial and thanking to everyone who gave an opinon, but at some point, once you hear so much feedback that runs contrary to what you are hoping to hear, you get defensive.  As others have intimated, forums are a give and take of information.  I have joined a couple of forums over the years and I don't know if there is a strict forum etiquette around this, but I always read as many posts  as possible to get a feel for the group before jumping in with both feet.  I don't think its entirely fair to ask for self-serving information like how much people paid for their dogs without sharing first of yourself on other discussions.  Not sure if I am being clear, but ya gotta give to take and ya gotta make sure that the forum seems to line up with your sensibilities. 
You're being quite clear, and I agree completely. As others have already stated, she seemed unwilling, in the end, to entertain answers to her questions if they weren't what she wanted to hear. If you aren't prepared to hear all possible answers, you shouldn't ask the question.
I couldn't agree more.
It's true, I didn't say a word on DK for the longest time when I joined. I'm sure some people still wish I were like that.
Aw, thanks.
I don't feel that way. I love your interventions. Sometimes you remind me of my Aunt Helen. I don't know why, just that you reply the same way she would.
Same here F...I joined and then lurked for months and months.  Gee, I never got to read this discussion you all are talking about so I know nothing and it is killing me.  I can be a very nosey person!!
yes, I agree with all of this but to me it was obvious that her underlying movtive was to plot and scheme about making money and maximizing her profits. It likely didn't even occur to her that this is a community where everyone gets to know each other rather to her it was simply a way to get info from a bunch of random strangers.



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