Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We have a large store near us that is a plant nursery that carries other home items (seasonal decorations, custom picture frames, candles, fudge, etc) and also has a growing pet supply department.  They have a wide selection of toys, treats, collars, and food.  This store carries the Taste of The Wild brand at a regular price that is cheaper than what our local specialty pet store charges.  We occasionally get coupons in the mail or via email for another $5 off any store purchase.  We have started buying our TOTW food from here because we end up saving close about $7 or $8 on the largest bags and I can’t pass up such a good bargain, but there is a problem.  This store also sells puppies.  I used to stop at this store just to look at the cute little puppies, but then I learned about puppy mills and don’t even like to go back into that corner of the store.  Morally, I have a problem with the fact that they sell puppies and kittens.   If I continue to purchase the food from this store, am I indirectly supporting the wrong cause (puppy mills)? 


If you think that purchasing food from there supports the wrong cause, what do you say about making any purchase from that store?  They have a very nice selection of plants and shrubs and we usually make several purchases there each year.  Should I completely boycott this place altogether? 


I am curious to hear some opinions on this.  Thanks!!

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I walked into a brand new "Grand Opening" of a store just two days ago that was advertised as Puppy Supplies.

I expected to see the collars, leashes, food, etc.  Instead, there were mini-cribs with toy sized puppies in about

6 places.  I was not happy about it and when I asked the owner where the puppies came  she asked me if I had any

dogs.  When I said I have 2 she abruptly turned around and went to someone else who was looking at the pups.

Needless to say, I won't go in there again and left rather upset knowing they had to be 'mill' pups.

Boycott-price match and be happy!

These responses were in line with what I expected you all to say.  I had pretty much already decided to stop buying our TOTW there (I placed an order online last week), but was still undecided about shopping there at all for their other items (plants and such).  I guess winter will give me some time to find a new plant place.

So would you just ask the pet department people where the dogs come from?  I am a fairly shy person, so I would prefer just writing a letter, but I suppose I should do some research and have some info before I write that letter.  Do you think a letter or comments from one person will make any difference?  This store has another location over in IL and I'm pretty sure they sell dogs at that location too.

There's no point in asking the store personnel where the dogs come from. The people who know won't tell you anyway, either for fear of losing their jobs or losing business.

If you send me the name of the store in IL, I may be able to tell you something about them. Sometimes, just doing a search of the store's name will give you the info.  

Sometimes the name of the "breeder" of any given pup is provided, by law. Other times, you don't get that information until you actually buy the puppy. If you were a good play actor and wanted to put on a charade of being interested in buying one the pups, you might be able to get it, and then a little on-line searching will usually reveal the kind of place it is.

But you don't really have to know where the exact puppy mill is to write that letter. You don't have to make any accusations. All you have to say is that you make it a practice not to patronize stores that sell puppies, as you refuse to support the puppy mill industry, and you will be happy to return as a customer at such time as they stop selling dogs. 

This is from the website that I beleive is the store being discussed:

"STORE NAME DELETED" is very careful to only buy puppies from sources that are licensed by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) or from local 'hobby' breeders that can be easily be visited. The USDA conducts regular inspections of these licensed establishments to ensure that the facilities are clean, healthy and not overcrowded, and that adequate health care is provided.



Right. We know how well the USDA facility inspections are funded, staffed and conducted., and what fine high standards their licensing department has.

yeah, how did you figure out what store I was discussing?  There are only 2 locations and neither are any where near where you live.  I am impressed!


I used google with your city and state and also used the term "puppies".  This was the only store that came up with two locations that was not a pet store.



I would not purchase from there, despite the discount.


I am glad you brought this subject up.  This helps raise awareness about puppy mills.  Again thank you for your post.

I am glad I started paying more attention to this issue, but feel guilty that I have shopped at this place for over 6 years (although it was always for non-pet merchandise before).


There is no need to feel guilty.  Your post here brought the level of awareness up and will help eliminate puppy mills.



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