Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
My husband, 44 years old, just died suddenly in a car crash on November 21, 2011. I haven't been on here too much lately but I was hoping for some advice on what to do or change to help my 2 labradoodles (2yrs old) deal with his death. I am having a very difficult time and my children (11 & 12 yrs old) are being stronger than me, but I worry about the 4 of them very much. The dogs will watch the door, waiting for my husband to come home. I let them smell his clothing and the clothing he passed away in, but I don't if that helps. Any suggestions?? Thank you!!
Your children are beautiful!
Beautiful family. I am glad your kids are adjusting as best they can. I read the article you posted and I am disgusted with some of the comments people wrote...I am glad you responded and told them off...people just have no compassion these days and it is disturbing.
My deepest condolences. May you find the strength you need during this very difficult time, your children are absolutely beautiful and the picture shows a lot of love surrounding you. No suggestions for the pups, but I think they will naturally be there for you and your children trying their best to give you their unconditional love and support during this very difficult time.
Hi Michelle,
I am so sorry for your loss. A terrible tragedy that I am familar with. My dog was inconsolible for 2 months. I had never seen a dog be depressed before. Your dogs (and kids) will take their cues from you.
Time is the only thing that will help, for the doods, the kids and you.
I was lucky enough to have just learned to knit. I spent my alone time knitting.
I am not even sure you'll see this but if you want to talk I will send you my numbers.
All my best,
Dear Michelle. Read your so very tragic posting this morning and just wanted you to know that we, your cyber doodle friends, are all out here for you. You are so correct, this website has the most compassionate loving members, and I too, when a tragic situation struck, ran straight to my computer to post and received dozens of comforting words from my doodle family. Words cannot replace the void that you are feeling right now, but rest assured dear one, time is a great healer and with family and friends, albeit cyber friends, by your side, your journey through this will not seem so dark. I am not sure what your faith is but please accept that your are all in my prayers every day. God bless and be patient with yourself.....time moves slowly but it does move. Much love ....Frances and
Michelle.... I am so sorry to hear about the tragic loss of your husband! Sending love, hugs and doodle kisses!
Michelle, I am so sorry for your loss. I wish I could send a wish for it all to have never happened. It sounds like you are doing all of the right things for your doods and it will just take time. I know when my dad passed away it took quite a while for the dogs to quit missing him so much.
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