Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Parker has thrown up twice this week and it is weird.

Wednesday morning at 5:30am he started making his gagging noise and then threw up a little bile but nothing major...I cleaned it up and he went back to bed and was fine all day. This morning at 3:30am he threw up again..this time a little undigested kibble, but again we cleaned it up and he has been fine since...sleeping on the bed like a lazy bum as usual.

I am not sure why he's doing this...he's not eating anything odd and his poops are still normal. After taking him to the vet before Christmas and paying $550 because he had diarrhea, I am leery about calling the vet as it has not been frequent and another $550 for him to end up being fine is not in the finances! 

Does anyone have any ideas? Have your dogs done this before?


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Both of my guys will occasionally vomit bile very early in the morning...usually right after they wake up.  I give them a cookie at night around 11:00 and that helps for the most part.  This vomiting bile seems to come from having an empty stomach for some dogs.  The 3:30 episode with some kibble is not something I have experienced though.  That feels like it could be a little different.  Maybe try the "cookie" before you go to bed for the night, and see if that helps.  If there's more actual vomiting of food though I think I would check with the Vet.

This is my experience as well.

Sedona is an occasional vomiter.  Sometimes she "asks" to go outside, grazes on a little grass, then vomits a bit - it's her way of settling her tummy, I guess.  Other times, thankfully not too often, she just randomly pukes.  She's not acting sick - not before the throwing up, not after.  

Hope all is fine with Parker!

I have the occasional dog-vomiter too. Happens in all situations--playing or at rest.  Empty stomach or food.   All times of day or night.  Dunno?

As long as Parker seems okay the rest of the time, I really don't think two random episodes is anything to worry about.

p.s.  I swear I have bulimic cats.   Eat-vomit-eat again.   It happens.

Cats throw up when the eat too fast, and then, yes, chow it down again. Unless the dog gets to it first!
Ah, don't we love them!

One of my cats vomits randomly, quite often. I dont think its anything to worry about

My dogs vomit on occasion for no apparent reason, with varying amounts of undigested kibble. It can be anytime rally but only once a month or two. I don't pay much attention to it . If it occurred several times in a day I would pay more attention but it's almost always once and they are back to normal and ready to eat. I'd just watch Parker for now.

Both my doodles have had random bouts of vomiting in the past.  They would vomit either bile or small bits of food, I would keep a close eye on what ever dog vomited.  Nothing serious ever evolved, they always acted normal, play, eat, poop, pee so I was never worried too much.  But if something was wrong or they were not acting right I would bring them to the vet asap.

I have a random thrower-upper too.  Very occasionally and not predicated by anything in particular.  Riley throws up about once a month.  He is still very puppyish and I suspect he picks up stuff that he shouldn't even though we watch him like a hawk.  He is healthy and I think this is normal dog behavior.  If he was doing it regularly I would certainly take him to the vet. 

Yah, that's what I figured...his behavior is normal otherwise, he's eating and drinking normally and like I said, his poops are fine as well. If he vomits continuously or his behavior changes, then I will call the vet. I will try the cookie before bed thing, maybe he is just getting hungry sooner or something.

Our Bella just started doing this in the past week. 2-3 times this week for no apparent reason, day or night, full or empty. Bile so far. She threw up her dinner tues, but I took her for a car ride right after she ate. Still testing the car sickness she has. Went earlier in day for same ride and was fine. Note to self: no car rides right after dinner.
As long as everything else is good, I'm just watching. She eats so many things, we just caulk it up to trying to get something p that shouldn't be there.



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