Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello all my lovely DK friends! 

I'm sorry that Sunny and I have been absent on DK for a while. She told me I was neglecting you all, but I had to get some important things done before I could play, and she can't figure out how to work the laptop by herself. 

Anyway, I am back until final exams (then I'll disappear for a week or so) and wanted to let you all share in my nervous excitement.  I APPLIED TO UNIVERSITIES THIS WEEK! 

I sent in my applications to the University of North Carolina and NC State yesterday, and immediately after I hit the "submit" button to my application for UNC, I felt queasy. That's the school my parents both went to, and it's my top choice. 

Send good luck my way!  

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Best of luck to you!!!

Good luck to you!

Good luck Michael!

Best of luck to you.  We have both a Nephew and a Niece that are UNC, Chapel Hill Graduates. 

Best of luck, Michael! This is an exciting time for you!

Keeping my fingers and Rua's paws crossed for you!

Good Luck!!!   

WTG Michael!  Something tells me that you will be accepted to both schools and then you will have to let the other school down easy! :)

P.S. Liking your new avitar - Sunny looks adorable!

Keeping our paws crossed that you get your first choice.

Good luck!

Thanks guys! I'm anxiously waiting for my professor and my store manager to send in their letters of recommendation for me, and also for my transcripts from high school and community college to be sent. 

Gah! I can't believe I've done this twice. My senior year of high school, I applied to NC State and Appalachian, and got accepted to both. I accepted Appalachian's offer and was set to go there until a personal issue forced me to stay home, so I went to the local community college for the past two years. Now I'm going through the nerve-wracking application process again!! Hopefully the outcome will be the same (accepted)!



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