Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I watched this TV show for the first time. If anyone hasn't seen it, it was about three people who had paid 50,000$ to clone  their dogs. This was done in Korea with the use of surrogate mothers. Up to five surrogates were used for each clone. One person used a dog whisperer to see if it was the same dog with memories of its former life. Apparently the puppy did remember his past life. Each person seemed to have the idea that the cloned dog would have memories of the original dog. It brought up some questions with me regarding the surrogates and where they come from and what is their life entail before and after becoming surrogates. The laws for animals in Korea may or may not be the best in the world either. Then the pressure of the new puppies to be exactly like the original dog. We all know that we forget just how much work it was to potty train and obedience train our dogs and  the effort we put into our dogs does make the difference in how well they respond. 

I would not want to have my dog cloned. I don't think that the love I felt for that individual dog could be replicated. I would also look forward to having a new friendship with a new and unique furry friend. But these people on the show were obviously on the other end of the scale to me and showed it by paying an extreme amount of money to do so.

I know we are all doodle crazy, does this extend to cloning our doodles?

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You must be talking about Wolfie's human.  Yes, he was definitely over the edge.  He even said that he wished his wife (girlfriend) could be the surrogate for his puppies!  OMG.  But it does sale showtime.

Okay, now I would like to watch the show just to see this person. Is there a Youtube video of him?

oh Karen, I'm not sure you want to tumble down that rabbit hole, but if you must, I'll dig it up when I get home from work. Maybe you can check the TLC website.

Oh, I don't want to see the whole show, I might break my TV. I just want to see Wolfie's owner. The internet is much less kind about him than you guys have been, lol.

I did find a 16 second Youtube video of him singing a song to a newborn puppy who appeared to be in an incubator, but it didn't show the man. I imagine he must be something like this:

No thanks!

I haven't seen the show but what is the old saying "a fool and their money will soon be parted".  Money is what makes the world go round and there will always be someone wanting to find gullible people to take advantage of.  If the dog can "remember" it's previous life then why doesn't it already remember how to be potty trained?  Duh!  There have been entire shows done showing how these mediums or whatever actually "lead" you into telling them what they need to know and the person has no clue that they are giving up the info - then they act all like wow - how could you know that?   

I actually agree with everything that everyone has said. Wow, I never know what will be on DK next.  I will add my two cents by saying unless someone could walk into my house, get down on the floor with my dog and tell me things that only the dog and I would know (without me saying a word) then I don't believe it.  I'm not discounting that there are people with abilities that are beyond my understanding.  But I don't thing dogs think in words and I don't think the dog would remember or give a flip that the owners made an ear ring out of one of his toenails.  

I will never quite get over the death of my dog Jasmine, 5 years ago.  We lost her son two years ago and it brought it all back.  That is called life and death.  I had to deal with it and it helps me grow and change. Now I'm going to hug Eula Mae and my other dogs and appreciate the life and energy that each one brings.  To the cloners I say, Its your money, do what you want with it.  I know people that have spent $18,000. on a wedding dress.  However, I think they are being manipulated by the tv show and in all reality, I bet it is the tv show or the clone place that is paying for the publicity. Reality shows are all scripted in my opinion and other than The dog groomers one, I cant remember the name, Ive never watched one. 

Everybody have a great day and get out and play with your dog.  

Karen I don't think you should watch any of this show! You may in fact break your tv, although I did see a foam brick for sale on an infomercial once for just this type of occasion three payments of 19.99 plus shipping and handling! LOL. This infact is sad and infuriating to me. I don't like the pick a puppy tv show as they don't put much emphasis on the breeding end of the picking of the puppy, so I certainly won't be watching this on purpose. I am a reality show junky I must confess, it makes me feel really normal I guess! 

BUT knowing what I know of you, you may have the know how and the ability to rally troops to have this not only banned from the airways but banned period! 

Fortunately, there won't be many people cloning their pets due to the cost, so I'm not very motivated to do anything to get this show banned. Even old war horses like me have to pick and choose their battles, lol.

But I have to admit to being fascinated by people who are truly loony-tunes crazy, as long as it's not in an evil way.



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