Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi All-

I have a question and just would like some feedback.  My mini, Jackson is about 14 months old and just in the last few months, I've noticed that his front paws are turning outward.  The left more than the right, but they both turn out in a "v" shape.  His back paws are fine.  He just had his yearly checkup and the Vet felt both paws/legs, tested to see if he could bare weight (he could) and didn't seem that concerned.  He walks fine and runs like the wind.  He did hurt this leg once, a few months ago.  He was running toward me and it seemed as though his leg gave out on him.  He was definitely limping so I made sure he rested for about a week, no running or walks, and he healed fine.  I guess my question is: does anyone else have any experience with this or have any suggestions?  I'm sure there is nothing I can do to rectify the issue but I just don't want to make it worse or hurt him in any way.  I'll post some picture so you all can know exactly what I'm talking about.  Thanks in advance for all your helpful comments :) and I apologize for the side view of the pictures.  I tried everything but couldn't get them to attach the right way! 


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I have no idea, but that is one cute doodle!

Joanne's Starlit had feet that pointed outward, she knows all about it. Hopefully she will see this post. Actually I will tell her about it.

What does your vet say?   When do you go back to see the vet.  Make sure you point this out.

 I believe Jackson is a Ballerina.  2 Point

My vet didnt seem too concerned. He felt it and pressed on it and made sure he could bare weight on it. He does stand like a ballerina!!

Charlie's front feet have turned out like that since he was a pup.  He is now almost 6 and no problems from it.  We just say that he is our little ballerina boy.  And like your Jackson he can run like the wind.  

That's so good to hear. Everyone calls him a ballerina haha. The only thing my vet said was that he may be prone to soft tissue injuries because of his stance. 

Oh waht a cutie! I've never seen this before. Glad the vet isn't concerned, it's cute!!

You may want to contact the breeder and let them know and ask if any of the other pups in the litter have had the same problem. It may help them with their breeding program if this was something genetic.

I often wondered about our Neely and his backside waddling but our vet has no issues and his hips are fine. Just a cute waddle. I love his butt!

Our Bichon-poodle foster had the same look.  It didn't seem to bother him and the vets who checked him out never said it was a problem.  If your vet has checked him out and feels there is no issue, I would just keep observing and take him in if there is any change.  I agree with Lorraine that you might want to inform the breeder.

Cooper's left front paw is turned out more than his right.  We have pointed it out to our Vet numerous times and they check it and say not to worry.   He is like Jackson, runs like the wind, when he wants to.  Cooper is a mini too.  



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