Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

OK DK! Time to take action against puppy mills - need your support (plus, a French lesson)

Last September in Quebec the humane society and the Qubec government conducted one of the biggest seizures in Canada's history. Over 500 dogs were seized from a puppy mill. Many of the dogs are still in foster care and receiving treatment for their abuse and neglect. Some didn't survive, and some have been lucky enough to find forever homes.

Now, the owners of Paws R'Us, who pleaded guilty to 17 counts of animal cruelty and were only fined $10,000 for their crimes, are applying to the government for a permit to start up their business again. It would be completely absurd and beyond my understanding if they are given the permit, however, Quebec is known for it's terrible laws for animal rights, and is the puppy mill capital of Canada, maybe even NA. So please help us stop these horrible people by signing this petition:

Please sign it!! (and don't forget to confirm the email).

Here are a few articles related to the incident:

and a DK discussion


And the facebook page dedicated to highlighting the sucess stories:

And now for the French lesson, although most of it is pretty obvious, I figured just in case...

Prenom - First name

Nom de famille - last name

Ville - city

Pays - country - the US is listed under the French name Etats Unis.

e-mail - e-mail :o)

Montre votre signature a tous - let everyone see your signature

oui ou non _- yes or no

Votre adresse e-mail ne sera jamais affichée publiquement ni divulguée à qui que ce soit. - your email adress will never be shared publically or divluged to anyone

and then click the button that says "signez cette petition". then you will receive an email that says CConfirmer votre signature à la pétition Contre "Paws R Us" in the subject line. click on the second link, which appears under the sentance "Pour Confirmer ...." and then your done.

Thank you so much for your support!


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Sherri, is this only for Canadian citizens? Will the signatures of U.S. residents carry any weight??

I don't think it matters. - it asks for a country, so it must not matter.

Okay, I signed it, hope it helps!

I just did it!  Not sure it will help but hey - gotta try!

yea, I have no idea if it will help either, but it's better than not doing anything!

signed it!

I'm in!

I signed.

I signed the petition.


I think Sherri that people have to confirm their signature by clicking the link, N'est-ce pas?




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