Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The season has started early here in NJ. On this rainy, gray day I let the dogs out and went to check the mailbox. Luca soon ran down the "field" as I call my long side yard, and I thought he was barking at the dog who lives behind us and across the brook. Unfortunately as I went to investigate I realized that now both dogs had something cornered. A woodchuck.

I have always had woodchucks living beneath my shed. I could never find a humane, environmentally and doodle friendly way to get rid of them. I did buy a device to gas them with CO from the mower but it entailed blocking all exits from their den and I only could locate the main one. I am sorry if even thinking about doing this changes my image for some of you.

I was afraid of the woodchuck since it was baring it's inch long teeth and it's claws were apparent. Only two of the four of us involved have had rabies vaccinations and I was not one. I am glad the dogs also get leptospirosis vaccinations. Calla grabbed the woodchuck by it's middle and she began to shake it. I think she is more courageous than Luca in situations like this. I let out a shriek involuntarily.

I ran to the house to get leashes but I knew I'd be too late. I always mean to leave leashes or at least ropes outside so I can tether the dogs quickly. When I returned the dogs were still harassing the dazed critter who had a wound in it's side. I got Calla and tied her to a tree. Then, with difficulty, since he wouldn't listen to a single command, I got Luca.

The dogs are now in their crates, crate beds removed to facilitate cleanup, and they are muddy and disgusting. And I have to gather my courage and see what remains of the woodchuck. I do think he was mortally wounded.

The quality of the pictures tells you something about my state.

OK, I gathered up my courage and went to see the outcome. The woodchuck was in fact dead. I think the shaking does the deed. I should be sad but I'm relieved. The dogs are none the worse for wear or will be when the dry out and get cleaned off. One less woodchuck to deal with. They scream when frightened and have nearly scared me to death when I've startled one, to say nothing about the digging and plant eating. I would have wished this animal a more peaceful ending, though. I don't think I could have prevented this once it started but more training is always on the list. I really am getting too old for this as I've said before. I wish I could prevent this sort of thing from occurring. Once again I have to reintegrate my inner view of the dogs.

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F, You love to photograph those dead animals, don't you!! Poor little woodchuck...met his demise at the hands (or should I say teeth) of a doodle. Glad your dogs and you were not hurt. I would have been screaming my heart out, too. You would have heard me where you live. There really isn't anything you can do in this situation, but pray those critters stay out of your yard.

You didn't hear me? I'm surprised. They live in the yard or have but I hope now they'll move. I may try the ammonia rag suggestion cause soon we'll have the next generation.

Remember, I had one in my window well :) Your brother freed him with a bucket and a ski. I was so disgusted when Fudge killed a rabbit...why is it always the girl dog?? Vern just stood there like he had no clue what to do.

It's funny, Calla is braver about running under the garage door, killing a critter. She always has a little scape or two. Luca was barking and lunging but never got close to the woodchuck until he was no longer much of a threat. Now just take out a brush when Calla is nearby, or make a move that she thinks is toward a brush and she's out of the room before you can say jackrabbit woodchuck. She's also more shy with strangers. Go figure.

I say, "Way to go doods!"  They knew you didn't like having that creature around...They did what you couldn't do.  One more reason to love our dogs!  Seriously, though, I'm sorry it was so scary & disgusting.  I would have freaked out personally.

You've given me a new perspective on doodle insight : )

Not a pleasant experience, but Trav would have loved it!  Sigh of envy (from Trav, not me!)--a woodchuck of your very own.  Bliss.

I'm hoping a hawk or coyote will recycle this woodchuck.

Awwww....come on, Mom!  You could think of some fun games for the dogs with this new toy!   Hide and seek, maybe?  Hide the 'toy' at various places around the house and let the dogs search for it...I'm sure you can think of several more.  No need to thank me...  lol

Luca was begging to go out a while ago. But I had walked the dogs a while before and I knew he just wanted to revisit the scene of the crime and/or attempt to escape. It's raining pretty steadily now, which I hope will wash away any smell. Luca's snoozing, his need to go out forgotten for now.

That is one ugly critter.  I feel for you.   We've had a couple opossum's and rabbits brought to the back door by our "PROUD" doodle and she's attempted to get a couple skunks (Skunked for the 2nd time just a week ago).  Phewy. Some of our doodles sure like to "hunt". 

Its skunk breeding season, be careful out there!



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