Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi y'all. We have a 4 month old f1b goldendoodle named Baylie. When we got her from the breeder, we were told she would be a medium, in about the 50 pound range. Both her parents (mom a goldendoodle and dad a standard poodle) were just under 50 pounds, and her grandfather on her mom's (goldendoodle) side was a mini poodle. Well at just under 4 months, she weighs 27 pounds. She weighed 13 pounds when we brought her home at 8 weeks. According to the growth predictors that I have seen, she should grow up to be about 65 pounds.

What is your experience. I'm interested an anyone that has had a puppy this size and what it grew up to be. Is it unusual for a puppy to be so much bigger than it's parents? I guess you've always got genes from generations back that can be a factor. I don't know much about breeding and genetics, but just interested in what your experiences are.

This is a photo of Baylie taken last week. She is 15 weeks and weighs 26 pounds and is standing next to my Beardie that weighs 48 pounds.


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Take her weight today, since she is four months, then double that weight. Give or take 5lbs, that usually is the best guess on adult weight
55lbs is my guess.

Hi Donna (& Baylie) from the UK.  I am very interested to see what people say in answer to your question.  Our puppy is exactly the same weight & age and to be honest I am finding she's getting too heavy for me to lift anymore.  Don't they grow so fast !!  She still tries to sit on my knee.

We were told that Willow's dad was 47 lb and her mom was 54 lb. Willow is between 65-70 lb., tall & lean like a poodle with a long torso like Golden. She was 17lb at 10 weeks, so she was a slightly bigger puppy than yours. 

And yes, she thinks she's a lap dog. See how she fits on my hubby's lap!

Aww. Willow is so cute. Baylie was 16.5lb at 10 weeks so they were almost exactly the same size at that age. It won't surprise me if Baylie grows to 65 lb. More to hug, right? I just need enough room to get both dogs and their luggage in the car for road trips.

I think the weight-at-4-months-times-2 formula is the most reliable way to predict adult weight, especially for early-generation hybrids. I agree with Joanne--about 55 pounds.

I'm going to go with about 60-65 lbs.  We have two from the same liter and there is 20 lbs difference in them ... so, size can vary.    Love your Bearded Collie BTW.  Of course Baylie is adorable also.  Love her color.

Hi Roberta & Bailey. Your Bailey is such a beautiful girl. I really like her doodle doo. It surprises me how many doodles there are with the name Bailey (or a variation in spelling). We didn't realize we were picking such a popular name. There is a lab in my puppy class named Bailey. Male, though.

Cooper is an Auatralian labradoodle, and a skinny one at that, goldendoodles tend to be chunkier, but Cooper was 16lb at 10 weeks. At 4 months she was 28.38 lbs. She is now 60lbs

Hey I resemble that remark!

Ha Ha !!  Iam laughing.When we got Sadie who is now 5yrs oldthe breeder said that she would be about  55 lbs.He mom was a standard poodle and her dad a yellow Lab.Well Sadie just kept on stretching up and is 75 to 80 lbs very tall and muscular.Not a bit of fat on her.

Sooo you just never know.We love herso much and wanted a big dog.

She is adorable!  I'm just going to mix things up a bit Seamus was maybe 12 pounds when we took him home at 8 weeks.  He is now 2 and half......and weighs 86 pounds.  His mom is about 50 pounds and his dad is about 55 pounds.  Soooooo lol you definitely never know with size.  And by the way....a year after we got Seamus, we brought home his sister, Stella.  Different litter, but same parent dogs.  She is a year and a half now and weighs only 46 pounds.  So again, you truly never know!  =)  

Yow! 86 pounds! Well, we definitely will just have to wait and see. It looks like we have narrowed it down to between 55 pounds and 86 pounds :). Thanks for all the responses. It's been fun to hear from all of you.



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