Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Quite often new members come here looking for information about a breeder or breeders they are considering.  I want to remind everyone that ASKING for feedback is 100% permitted.  What is NOT permitted is public reviews of those breeders.  It is up to the members responding to follow our guidelines and respond privately--it is NOT up to the person seeking feedback to police responses.


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I don't know anything about this breeder but she did write this discussion trying to save one of her doodles. I don't know how it turned out.

Thank you for the information regarding the owner requesting help for an injured Doodle. That does help.

I was just reading some back responses - what if on the main page of topics there was always and updated Q&A section. One of the first topics could be looking for breeder... Just make it easy easy easy. New members just get so excited to find "the doodle of all doodle  groups" I think they jump
all in very excited. Who wouldn't when you find all the fluff and crap doodle info on the web at every turn or click. 

It is on EVERY page: The Help Tab =)  Just hover your mouse over it to see the most important stuff, or click on it to see more than you need to know.

Adina, when you say to respond privately, do you mean by clicking the "send message" here on Doodlekisses or by getting their email and responding outside of Doodlekisses?

Ohhh, thanks for posting this.  



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