Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Harli has thrown up now twice in the last couple of days. Both times it was just basically undigested food. Other wise she is acting normal. I thought I might get her checked out and the vet can see her tomorrow at 5:00. Has this happened to anyone else? I know I will worry until I see the vet!

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Darwin will puke on occasion. Probably 1 time every two months or so? It's always just undigested food. I think it's that he eats it too fast then gags it back up. I would say that if she's normal and it doesn't keep happening she's fine.

If it does keep happening I would take her in. Once Darwin did this frequently (3 times a day or so) and it turned out he had a piece of rope in his stomach...

Camilla said what I was thinking. Vern eats so fast some days that he will vomit up some undigested food. I would say this happens a couple of times a month. If you are worried, you should take her into the vet so you feel better. Good luck!!

Thanks! I feel better hearing your advice. Harli is bringing me her ball and wants to play so if she is still doing fine tomorrow I may cancel the appointment. I think I will give her some boiled chicken and rice for her next meal.

Hope it's nothing! Ours do this rarely but it never hurts to be sure.

Banjo does the same's so sporadic.....he will go for 5, 6,7 weeks with no problem and then a day or two he'll vomit....always the first meal of the day.....always undigested (easy to clean up).   I wouldn't worry if all else seems fine.

Ember does this sometimes. For a couple days in a row she might throw up breakfast (never dinner) and then it just goes away. It is super sporadic and I have no idea what causes it or why it goes away, but since she always seems happy, drinking, etc, I haven't worried too much about it. If it happened consistently for a long duration, I would be concerned however.

Well, Monty just "christened" my new car today. He ate and not even an hour later he jumped into the car, we pulled out of the garage and two houses later there it was: his whole breakfast. And just yesterday I was thinking he has not thrown up his food in a few months. He was such a puker, though, when he was little. Then I found out I'm doing it all wrong most of the time. He would throw up if I fed him too soon after a walk, or if he had a walk too soon after he ate. Was this what happened with Harli today by any chance?  Dogs throw up sometimes. Sometimes it's just a yellow pile of bile, sometimes it's after they eat. My thinking is that as long as it's not happening too often and Harli is acting normal, you don't have to be worried.

Boy, I'm going to be so much better with our second puppy, LOL.

Hershey gets motion sickness.  Car rides over over 45 minutes used to do her in.  The worst time she barfed 9 times after an 1.5 hour ride, we took her to the vet that day and was given a prescription for motion sickness.  She will still barf when she gets to running (flying) too much at the dog park.  I read that 17% of dogs do get car sick. Today on a 1.5 hour car ride she only barfed 2 times without meds.  Hopefully she is growing out of this.  She is 13 months old.

My doodles will throwup every once in a while, I don't think you have too much to worry about but if it is constant and prolonged I would take him to the vet.  It sounds like he is acting fine so I think its just a normal thing they do every now and then.

We had a puker. We called him Pukey Dukey. He just would occasionally toss his cookie (I mean kibble). Hope Harli is fine.

Thanks everyone! I love doodle kisses!! Harli keeps bringing us her ball to play fetch. We have done this a few times now and she seems ok. I think I worry a little bit because she puked the other day also. I made her some rice and she didn't eat much but she seems fine otherwise. I will see how she does tomorrow with her regular food and if she is acting fine I wont take her to the vet. These doodles sure take over our hearts don't they?

Both of mine and our DD's doodle will up chuck for no rhyme or reason occasionally. DD's doodle has always had a sensitive tummy and IBS, but he acts, eats, poops, plays just fine around every episode, maybe 2-3 times a month. My Murphy does it the least, with Bella a close second to DD's. I think it's normal for them and they have never been sick enough to get medication for it except with bouts of giardia. But then there are other symptoms along with the vomiting. Bella does get car sickness, but it is getting better at 20 months old, and ginger snap cookies help that.
But like was said, when they get too excited, close to having a meal, ot eat too much grass or twigs or dirt, ( or poop) they will vomit. Some will vomit when their tummies are really empty and just vomit bile. So for the most part, it seems normal unless it continues to where she can't hold down anything, especially fluids or has other symptoms associated with it. ( diarrhea, lethargy, not eating....)



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