Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
The dog bite is slowly getting better - doesn't look nice but at least it isn't hurting with every step I take. The last two nights I've let dh take the boys to the dog park as I am enjoying having him home and am spending the early evening making nice dinners. We are making sure to get the boys there exactly at the start of "big dog" time which is 4:30 knowing that the puggles (who should go to small dog time but don't) won't arrive until about 5:20 - this gives us time to wear the doods out.
So I go back to the dog park tonight and while I'm visiting with Bob in comes Brae a Weimariner (spell?) and owner. Brae is giant and a little aggressive plus he has a very disgusting habit of marking (peeing) on the chairs and benches - doesn't matter if you a sitting in one. Other people have been peed on but not me - until tonight! I usually keep a keen eye out but tonight my defenses were down. Warm dog pee all over both my legs and shorts - DISGUSTING! The owner doesn't do anything. We have a dog drinking fountain with a hose attached so I hosed off but still. So tomorrow I am going on a search to find the biggest, baddest, water bottle sprayer that I can find. Next time I go to the dog park - I am going to be READY!!!!! Does this make me evil? Have I gone over the edge? What would you do?
you could tell the other owner how frustrating it is when their dog pees on everything and then if they give you a bad reaction you could just have your husband pee on that owner and smile and say "oooppss...husbands, you just can't control them" :)
Awe man, that really stinks. I got my feet peed on once but at least I was wearing my rubber rain boots (thank goodness!). Dog parks can be so awful. I used to like mine a lot but have started to hate it. There's another one I go to sometimes but I have to drive there and it's a big mud pit these days. It will be so much better when we get ourselves backyards. Hang in there Jane!!
Oh Jane, it's time to find another dog park!!!
It wasn't enough that you got bitten, now you got p****d on too, that's awful. I brought Chloe (my youngest daughter) to the dog park with me a few weeks ago and she got warm pee all over her brand new wool coat by some big dog. The the owner just laughed and thought it was funny, the cleaning bill was definitely not. I'm definitely anti- dog park now and I agree with Adina in that I think it's a place that out of control owners bring their dogs. I only go very rarely now and never on the week-ends when I think all the loolas come out to play.
This is crazy, Jane! I think these other dogs are jealous of your good-looking doodles or something! I personally doubt I'll ever go to a dog park since I do have my backyard. Having a playmate for Bexter was one reason I got a second doodle, so I really don't feel the need to go. All those dogs that I don't know and their issues that I don't know make me nervous. But, you have every right to use that park just like anybody else. If I were you, I'd complain to somebody. That's ridiculous! The water bottle is a great idea!
I'm laughing at all your responses! And you are all correct. I do not have a fenced in yard and the yard that everyone has here is pretty small and most include the lakes in the back complete with gators. I walk the boys 3 miles every morning but they LOVE to go to the dog park and play - their only chance to really run and be free, act like dogs. But here is some news *****DH is no longer working for the crazy Chinese employer***** so no more going to China, no more going to NYC. The dogs and I are loving having him home. Of course now he must find a new job which when it happens (and it could take a long time at his level so please feel free to say a prayer for us if you'd like) we'll be moving to where ever his next job is!!!!!! So I'm getting a water bottle and I'll put up with the dog park until we get outta here - the next house - the 1st thing on my list will be a big yard for my boys!!!!
I completely understand, Jane. We live in a similar fenced yard. We have two "dog parks" where most people bring their dogs for exercise. It's the same thing....most of them are completely untrained. Couple that with my often "reactive Murphy" and it's a recipe for disaster. So we only go there now on "off hours" when we are sure there is nobody there. The rest of the time we leash walk in our own back area for potty trips. Once a day we take the boys for a really long (60/ 90 min) walk along a bike path in town or we go to a beautiful off leash park with literally 100s of acres of woods and fields. It is kind of a pain to have to do this every day just so they can get enough exercise, but there really is no other choice. I do envy everyone with a fenced yard, but my DH decided that after many, many years of dealing with a house and large yard that he was "done" with it. So, it is what it is. I do often think that our "circumstances" have been great for my health....I'm forced to do way more walking than I otherwise would. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I do understand....and I think the "watergun" is a fabulous idea. Once those doggies learn that "you're packin" they'll leave you and your boys alone.
I would quickly look for another good dog park, and good luck with the search.
Just seeing this - I would stop going to the dog park. We have pretty much stopped. It's too crazy.
Poor Jane-you need to find another hang out! I bet the puggles made him do it!!
HOW RUDE OF THE OWNER NOT TO DO ANYTHING! I think you should all be armed with spray bottles!
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