Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Those of use brave enough to take a rescue animal know that there are always lots of unknowns. No medical history, no sibling information, nothing about those first months or years of life. It was sheer luck that I was put in touch with Stuart's brother's adoptive mom - all through DK! So Stuart turns 1 on or around (with a rescue who knows) April 5. On Stuart's b-day we are driving from Ft. Myers, FL to Marietta, GA (where we adopted Stuart) to spend Easter weekend with DD and her boyfriend with their dog, a yellow lab - Cal. On Good Friday we are for the 1st time meeting Stuart's full brother - Beamer and his mom Jo. Jo and I have been in touch over the past 10 months comparing photos and info - now the boys will get to see each other again. They look like twins really. So will they remember each other - I just can't wait to see them together!!! I know that this isn't that big of a deal . . . but if you have a rescue - you know what we feel! Stay tuned for more photos!!!
I know at least one of Luna's siblings is in town because we did puppy class together. Oscar was HUGE compared to Luna - I bet he's well over 40 pounds (Luna's about 38) - we never kept touch though. They definitely recognized each other after being separated for about 2 months. They played MUCH rougher with each other than the other pups.
They do look like twins - so cute!
How exciting for you and for Stuart! What a special moment their meeting will be!
Stuart and Beamer are two of the cutest Doodles ever. I hope you have a great time :)
Bailey met her sister a few months ago...They knew each other right away. We have gotten them together a few times since then. I posted a video here on DK of their first meeting...And it made me cry!!!
I love Beamer and Stuart....Bailey could be their sister, it is amazing how much they look alike...
Wave as you go through Jacksonville...we'll wave back hehe
Enjoy your visit and we can't wait to see pics
Bailey does look like she could be their sister - lol.
I don't have a rescue but truly believe this is a very big deal.
OMD! I cannot believe how much those two always look identical. Make sure you know which collar is on Stuart or you might have an accidental switcheroo! It is so precious and RARE that you two have been able to connect, since they are rescues. That is amazing really. You are such a good person for rescuing Stuart. I was a little scared to do that myself. I do have two young boys to think about though, and wasn't sure I could take on any issues that may have come with a rescue. What is awesome is that you did get him as a puppy. Like Karen said, it is great that you SAW him as a puppy, as most rescue owners probably don't have that luxury. Even with Maggie, getting her at one year old, I'm kind of sad about the time I missed, but at least I have the breeder to give me pictures and background (and of course I got so lucky as to actually meet her when she was 5 months old!). That picture of Stuart's mom is priceless. What a special mommy to go through what she went through. The boys look JUST like her. That is incredible! The brothers will DEFINITELY know each other in my opinion! You HAVE to show us pictures of that meeting! Enjoy that!
How wonderful to have found siblings. I wish I knew more about Lucy and her back ground. She is the perfect dog except she does not like being left alone in a crate or loose in the house. She will urinate and poop and she will chew up anything she can get a hold of. We still have to crate her at times and the most I leave her is 2 hrs. If I leave anything in the crate with her she will destroy it and she has even begun bending the wires of her crate. She also barks most of the time we are gone. This is our "Lucy Loo".
Cute photo!
How fortunate. I have often wondered about Jack's sibling. When we bought him at the pet store (I know shame on me) he had a sister. We just couldn't take both. Unfortunately his sister stayed in the pet store for nearly 6 months. We know where his mother and father are, but we do not know where his sister ended up. Our Moose we got from a shelter in South Carolina. We have speculated that he may have been owned by someone involved in Nascar since he was found near Darlington. He is a very rare breed from Spain. I wish we knew more about his background.
I am super excited to have"family" come to visit. Call me nuts, along with Jane but if one more friend of mine hears me say, Beamers brother is coming next week, I just might get hit with a tennis racquet. Who knew, the simply nature of two brothers reuniting could stir this up. I wish it was tomorrow. We could have a romp in my friends yard or one blow out pool party with Stuart and Beamer, and Rooney as the lifeguard. Stay tuned.
Jo - I'm so excited too. Of course they'll love each other even if they don't remember - Stuart loves all dogs and I bet Beamer is the same. I'm betting though that they will recognize the smell of the other dog! They were so cute when they were tiny and wrestling around in the foster's kitchen. Can't wait to see them side by side.
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