Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Sox needs a home...

I feel incredibly guilty posting Sox on DK since she is not a doodle and there are so many postings of doodles that need homes as well but I am desperate and need to network however I can to help her.  Hoping my DK friends can help somehow.

My husband brought her home 2 weeks ago.  He was walking to his car and she crawled up to him in the parking lot, tail wagging, and wanting for human interaction.   She followed him to his car and propped up her two front paws he brought her home.  All he wanted to do was feed her!  He brought her home, we fed her, bathed her, and played with her.  However, she seemed sick and unhealthy so a friend advised that we take her to the Humane Society so she can get the medical attention she needed and hopefully find her owners.  My husband was pretty sure she's been on her own for her entire life but we had to take her in because we didn't want to risk the chance of our Zoe getting sick.  

Turns out that Sox was already spayed and microchipped.  The humane society contacted the people listed from her microchip and they did not come for her.  My husband got so mad because he knew that she was thrown out.  The gave her Advantix and antibiotics for her skin condition and she was improving but she would not be able to for long because we found that this humane society was NOT a no kill shelter.  We went in and picked her up afraid for her life.  The counselor was brutally honest... she would not get adopted because she was physically unattractive.  HOW SAD!  Because she is the sweetest pup in the world.  

We have had her for about a week now but we can not keep fostering her.  I have severe allergies and was willing to work around it avoiding petting her and being around her.  My allergies is the least of our problems...Zoe is sad.  She hasn't been eating and just mopes around and is not her usual happy go lucky pup.  So...we desperately need a foster asap.  We are working with this great rescue (Forte Animal Rescue) and hope to get her adopted out soon.  Or as soon as she gains some weight because she LOOKS like a stray...haha.  She's really cute and has so much love to give.

If you know anyone in southern california (LA/OC) that might be able to help...please let me know.

-Shar pei mix(?)


-crate trained (hasn't had an accident!)

-brindle fur

-approximately 15 lbs

-has the most loving & cute eyes

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here is her picture.  Not sure why it's not showing up...


ohhh =(

we are in Los Angeles, California

Oh my gosh - how adorable!!!!!  I hope she finds a wonderful new home!!

How can they say shes physically unattractive? Thats one cute dog!

I agree, what a sad story.

what a sweet face!

Thanks to you and your husband for helping this adorable dog. I hope she finds a great home. Good luck!

Have you contacted a Shar Pei breed specific rescue?  I had very good luck with a Brussels Griffon rescue when I took on finding a home/rescue for a Brussels that was in a home with hoarding near us.  They were much quicker to respond than a rescue that takes all dogs.  She is very cute!  We had friends with a Shar Pei and I couldn't go to their house because of my allergies/asthma - they said that their fur is more like horse hair and many people have allergies to them.  I am not sure how true that is but that's what they said.  If you want help contacting some rescues for them specifically message me and I will be glad to help! 

Hi Denise & Hunter! Thanks so much for the links above but I have contacted all of them and they will not/can not help us due to the fact that they are either 1. not in the area, 2. have limited space, 3. She is not a pure bred.  I guess people that contact rescues that are breed specific only look for pure breds =(

Also, since I'm working with Forte Animal Rescue, would I be able to work with another one?  How would the adoption fees work?  I'm not sure... I want to network her as much as possible.

Feeling so helpless and unsure how to get this sweetie adopted 

Here she is and she is really cute...good luck! I love that your husband is such a softie...all should be like you two.

Gorgeous eyes!  Hope things work out for you guys soon.



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