Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I brought Cider home last Saturday and Sunday I had my infamous breakdown. A big "Thanks" to all you lovely folks on this site who responded to my cry for help, I read your comments and started regaining some composure!
Cider was great with going potty outside, didn't have any accidents in the house..... until yesterday. Monday I went back to work and had him gated in a small hallway with his toys and his crate. I came to check on him and let him outside at lunch and the good boy was laying in his crate and didn't have any accidents! I was stunned, same thing Tuesday and Wednesday. Yesterday however, I came home 20 mins later than usual and he had peed on his dog bed. I knew something was odd when we went outside and instead of peeing immediately, he just wanted to play. That's when I went back and took a closer look and saw he had soiled his little dog bed. When I came home in the evening, I let him out first thing and he was so excited and jumping around outside that I went to check if he'd peed somewhere in the hall again (his bed was removed and in the wash). He didn't make an accident but in the time I was peeking in the hall, he had followed me in and peed behind me! I was so bummed because he was doing so great! Is he testing me?!
I was wondering if I should just crate him now while I'm at work to reinforce the potty training? He still barks and whines when he is first put in his crate. It's a process to get him into his crate right now anyway. I've been trying to get him to go in on his own and sometimes he will but he's very stubborn! I have been keeping such a close eye on him at home and letting him out often and maybe that's why he's been flawless up to this point?
He's also becoming much more active. He's been nipping quite a bit now, I guess he's more comfortable in his new home? I've been using the bitter apple, saying no and holding his mouth and saying no...I know this will take time. I know he's a pup and he's playing but I want to put the kabosh on this early!
He also seems to pick and choose when he "knows" his name. He does not come to me unless he wants to. He is letting me put the leash on him now at least without too much resistence. Baby steps I suppose!
I'm really looking forward to puppy training classes on Sunday. I feel like every teachable moment is so critical and I'm terrified I'm not responding correctly to fix the behavior. Just wanted to type it out what I was thinking, I hope I'm not boring anyone to death!!!!
xoxo Jenna & Cider
I'll be the first to jump in here and say, yes, you need to crate him while you are at work. At this time in his life, he needs to be confined in order to get the potty training down. Dogs will rarely soil the area that they "live in" -- so in keeping him in his crate, he will learn control. If he has too much space, he will say "hey, I can potty over there and still 'live' here! Cool!" I don't know if this makes any sense, but truly I think confinement is the key!
Thanks Doris....He's going to be crated for 3 to 4 hours then in between me leaving for work, checking at lunch and then coming home from that ok? I guess I wanted to make him comfortable and was worried that it'd be cruel to have him confined for so long...Sorry I'm a newbie!!
This reply and your earlier one about Cider jumping the crate made me think of how Willow broke out of her crate once. Her baby crate was a fancy one that opens from 3 sides and top, and she managed to throw herself at a corner so that one of the sides flipped open. (It's hard to describe...) Willow whined a little whenever we put her in there, despite all the goodies we put in there and also feeding her in the crate. We thought it was just a puppy thing.
Then we bought a bigger crate around when Willow was 6 months old, and this time, just a plain wired one with one door. As soon as we set it up, Willow walked in, sat in it and claimed it hers! She never tried to escape from it; no whining; nothing. Her previous one was NOT small for her size, so it wasn't the size thing. We still haven't a clue why she hated the first one so much and loves the current one.
It sounds like Cider doesn't have any issues with the crate itself? Then I don't think you need to feel sorry for crating him. I actually think that Willow feels more secure being in her crate rather than left on a couch in the living room. I definitely feel more relieved not having to worry about Willow walking into a electrical wire or trying to get something on a shelf and hit by a falling object when Willow is crated. So, even long after house-training is done, I still crate her when I know I'd be away longer than a couple of hours.
I would treat him as he goes in the crate and yes, I still crate my dogs when I'm not home.
Crate. You are doing a great job by coming home and letting the puppy out every 3-4 hours. Sounds perfect. Crating is a good thing for many situations later on also. I didn't section off an area and leave Spud alone for 18 months ( est )
Thank you!! I just want to do a good job, I want to do what's right. I will definitely crate him from now on (it seems to be a consensus!), starting this afternoon when I check on him during lunch.
Thank you!
Crate - yup!!!!
Try putting a LITTLE (I mean a couple of drops) vinegar on the area he likes to nip. that should make him think twice before doing it again. He might find another spot that he likes so a little vinegar there. Hope that helps.
Definitely crate while you're away. just my 2 cents!
Awww.... Cider is such a cutie. He is SUPER GREAT having no accidents in the first week. No separation anxiety even when left in the crate for 3-4 hours at a stretch! And he seems to be healthy as well. It seems like you're doing great!
Everyone says crate, and I'd say that too. I'd like to add one more - socialization! Training sessions would help; and I find "puppy class" is really good for little ones to play and discover "friends". You can also learn more about your puppy - personality! - when he's around other dogs. We were sooooo proud of our puppy - she was the biggest one in a group of 10 and was also the friendliest and most gentle one.
There will be more "set-backs" - for example, Willow had only three accidents in her entire life (she's 2 now), but they came a month later because we became lazy and didn't think that she had to go so often ("Really? You were out 30 min. ago?!?). Willow kept on selectively responding to her name probably until much much later (10 months?). I remember walking her inside the house on a leash with a spoonful of peanut butter (which led to diarrhea... too much oil) probably when she was 3-4 months old. I had breakdowns, not just once, but several times until probably 5-6 months. :) Now I look back and recall Willow looking at me with eyes saying "Mommy, this, too, shall pass. Now stop crying and play with me, please? I said NOW?!?"
BTW, Nature's Miracle is a must for those peed spots to eradicate the odor, if you haven't used it yet. Even when the area is spotlessly cleaned, dogs can sniff and decide that's his potty spot. I would wash the dog bed with it too.
Enjoy the puppyhood!!!
I have a couple more suggestions to add to all of these great recommendations. When you take Cider out to pee, put her on a leash and make sure that you actually see her go. When she does go, praise and treat her, then release her to run around and play - if there's time for a little romping before heading back inside. Play time comes after pee time in our yard! I'd also pick a word or phrase for urinating; we use "Hurry up!" It'll come in handy later when you need her to empty her bladder right away. You're doing great :-)
Agree with everyone on the CRATE! It is great you can come home to let him out! That's perfect! When Bexter was that young, I had a baggie of Cheerios by the back door. Whenever I let him out to go, I was right with him (on a leash), told him to "GO POTTY" and when he did, I immediately put a Cheerio in his mouth. This helps them associate going (Like Laurie said) with the treat. He will want to go outside. Otherwise, if you treat him when he comes back in, he'll think that's why he's getting a treat. It sounds like you are doing awesome so far! I could never get Bexter to stop nipping really, so I have no advice to give on that other than it does get better with time!
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