Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I got my Bailey when she was 6 months old.  She had been living with her brother and other dogs at the breeder's house.  For the first 2 months that we had her, we were spending the winter in Florida with our daughter and family...including their dog.  Now that we are back in our own home in Indiana, Bailey is an "only child dog".  We are retired and home most of the time and we play with her, take her for several walks a day, and generally love her like crazy.  However, I am feeling sad that she does not have a buddy to do "dog playing" with.  Am I putting human feelings where they do not belong?  Do any of you feel the same about your "only child dogs"?   I have looked into dog daycare, dog parks, and tried to seek out neighbors who have dogs that would like to play but have not found an acceptable option.  I am struggling with whether or not to start searching for a second dog.   

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We have a Bailey too!  She is an only doodle.  I would get another one in a heart beat...she just loves other dogs so much.  I have found a lot of nice dog parks here in Jax Fl that we visit often.


I do wonder about the same thing with Bailey.  Would she be better off with a sibling...Unfortunately my DH says : ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!  ; )


I do however think we sometimes place human feelings onto our dogs.... If we feel sad for them I think they feel sad too....


I'll be curious to see what others have to say!

I personally like being a 1 dog family. We recently moved in with the inlaws and they got a dog a few weeks later. yes Cooper loves to play with Abbey, and has gained some confidence (she was submissive around other dogs) but she also hates being pestered by Abbey and likes her own space. Im constantly having to watch them both - as Abbey takes toys and bones from Cooper, chews on her legs, will steal food and destroys Coopers toys. And taking them both out to potty when the weather is nasty, is, well, nasty lol. I too am home all the time (im studying) and I think training 2 dogs would be too much. Being retired may be different. Some people love having 2 dogs.

I think it depends not only on the person, but also the dog. Cooper is a people dog more than a dog dog. Abbey seems to prefer other animals (playing with Cooper and my cats) over people. Some dogs love having a companion dog, others hate it

I would also like to add, that cooper used to stay close by to us - now she has more confidence (Im assuming) she runs off and doesnt listen. She used to be able to be off leash while playing with other dogs, and not leave those dogs. Now when the inlaws dog is on a long line, Cooper will run off towards the road or into the bush. She never used to, I guess she is more used to playing with a dog and doesnt find it so interesting any more (not enough to ignore the other smells and not go exploring)

We do have a group here on DK for "Only Doodles". I have one doodle and have always had just one dog, although I have fostered dogs for rescue here and there. I don't think any of my dogs have suffered from lack of canine companionship. Jackdoodle has not really been interested in playing with other dogs since he was 3 years old. He prefers human playmates, as other dogs are not very good at throwing a tennis ball for him, lol.  In the past, I found that play dates and occasional sleepovers with friends' dogs' were sufficient for my dogs who did like to spend time with other canines.

I do think you may be anthropomorphizing a little bit. The majority of dogs do just fine alone with human companionship most of the time.

There are a lot of dogs who enjoy playing with another dog but really don't want one sharing their space, their "family", their toys, treats, etc. on a full-time basis. In fact, when the DRC considers placing a dog in a home where there is an existing dog, they ask if the current dog has ever lived with another dog, and if not, suggest that the applicant invite a friend or neighbor's dog for a weekend, to see what happens. There have been cases where a person found out that their dog didn't really like having a playmate on a full-time basis. That said, most dogs do adjust to an interloper with a little time.

But I think it's a mistake to get a second dog solely as a playmate for the first dog. Every dog should be wanted for himself. Two dogs require twice the money and twice the time. So if you want two dogs because you want two dogs, that's fine. But otherwise, I wouldn't worry about providing a full-time "buddy" or playmate for Bailey.

One idea you might consider would be fostering. As an experienced doodle mom who is home most of the time, you have the ideal situation for fostering. You could have playmates for Bailey and save a life at the same time, and you wouldn't have the expenses of vetting or grooming a second dog. And who knows, if a foster turned out to be the perfect fit for all of you, you might just find yourself with a second doodle after all. :)

I think you are smart to really think this over and not rush into anything. It really is a life changing decision and there are so many variables involved. I once read that the worst reason to get a second dog is for your DOG because the addition of a second dog will affect the entire household and everyone in it. Do you plan to travel? How will having 2 dogs affect your traveling situation?  The dogs' temperaments need to be a match or they might not get along even if you start with a puppy. When it gets older it could try to dominate Bailey. How would you feel about Bailey being nipped at or bullied? Twice in my lifetime I have had 2 dogs at once and fortunately each time one was submissive and the other dominant by nature and it worked out fine but it is something that should be considered and a good breeder or rescue should be able to help match a dog with your household. Pretty much everything on your end will double...grooming, vet visits, and the expense of food, treats, toys, pet insurance, etc.  Will your lifestyle accommodate all of that? (rhetorical)  Some things to consider...and I don't think Bailey will be less happy without another dog in the household.:)

My Shelby is an only Doodle.   I have thought about it but am fine with her being an only doodle.  We have doggie friends who she has play dates with, we do walks twice a day, she goes to play care, we visit dog parks - she definately gets her interaction with other dogs.  While I've toyed with the idea of another dog - I'm just not sure it's in my best interest at this point.  Shelby is now 2 and a 1/2, very social and well adjusted.    I think Bailey will be just fine if you provide those doggie interactions!

I think you are, lovingly, putting human feelings where they don't belong.  Because you care about your sweet Bailey you wonder if perhaps there's not something to make her HAPPIER.  I don't think you should feel the slightest bit of guilt.  Not all kids who are only children are sad about it...much less when it comes to dogs I think.  I don't think a single dog lies around wishing he/she had a playmate.  They might WANT to play with other dogs they see, but I really don't think they pine away like humans might.  I am sure Bailey is smitten with you two and it fulfills her daily to be your loving companion.  That said if YOU (not for her sake but because YOU want it) want another dog and think your life will be improved with a second dog, then by all means go for it if all factors say YES (financial, time, etc).  Remember dogs don't consider themselves your children, therefore they don't consider themselves 'only children.'  They worship you, love you, enjoy your company and consider you a friend and companion.  So do what is in your heart if you want a second dog, but don't feel guilty about Bailey's doggy experience.

I am an only child and it was great honestly. I did not miss
having siblings at all. 

I wished I was an only child, lol.

Haha!  I think my daughter wishes she was too most of the time.  But darn it I will force them to be friends and play together!!!

I always wished I had TONS of least now that I'm old.  And with steps and halves I guess I do but they came after I was already an adult so we're not real close.  But siblings are really different than friends and playmates--for kids anyway.  It is a whole other dynamic to live with kids and share your parents...than it is to have slumber parties and play at school.

My family is full of onlies.  My grandfather and my mother were both only children.  I consider myself an only child, although my brother may disagree.  My daughter was an only child and now Sedona is an only.  It seems to work fine!  Twice a week, Sedona's two-legged "niece" comes to play and that's about all the sharing that Sedona can take!!

I KNOW we put human feelings in the dog world! I ended up getting a second one and for the same reasons and Chloe's personality changed! So you never know how it will end up~good luck with your decision!



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