Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am a forester and log buyer. I have taken Gracie to work since she was 8 wks.She has been in 11 states. She is now 2 years old.We live in the country on 10 acres. There are hundreds of acres of woods adjoining our property. When Gracie wants out she rings the bell.When she wants in she comes to door barks and we let her in. She is never on leash. Some times she lays out on deck for long time before she wants back in.

I was buying logs at an Amish sawmill. I have been there several times.Gracie was with me as usual. Let her out she run around quite a bit after a 2 hour ride. She normally checks back every few minutes. Didn't see her for awhile. Nothing to be concerned about. She had went down in near by woods. Probably chasing squirrels. Got done buying logs still no Gracie. I give a whistle. Normally comes running knows its time to go. No Gracie. Now I am becoming  a bit concerned. Drive around the woods on gas roads . Stopping whistling and calling. No dog. By this time I am frantic and praying. Not to long latter, get call on cell. Are you missing a white dog. Yes where are you at? About a 1/4 mile away. I  drive down they meet me at end of drive way. I ask what happened. The gentleman said he heard a dog barking . He looked out window dog sitting in front of door barking. She would not stop until he let her in. Came right in made her self to home.He fed her some bread and cheese. Saw her ID tag called me. When I got there I opened the truck door she hopped in like no big deal.I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or be mad. Had a nice chat with the gentleman tried to give him a reward. He didn't want any thing. Thank God still some great people in this world.

I still don't know why she went there in first place or picked that house. Didn't look like ours. She has never done any thing like that before. I don't know if she is supper smart to know what to do when she was lost or dumb because she didn't find her way back. I like to think she was brilliant. LOL  The next day I bought logs at another mill every thing was normal.

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Oh thank god!  When I began reading your post, I had a sinking feeling it was not going to end well.  SO glad your Gracie found her way back to you, even if she found an unusual and unique way to do it ;) .  

Gracie is a beautiful doodle and it sounds like she is an amazing companion. I am go glad she went to just the right house to be found. What a scary time for you! 

I too thought you were going to tell us that Gracie was lost so I am very happy that you found her and have no ideas at all as to why she decided to pay that house a visit.

Just letting my breath out now.  Thank goodness this turned out ok.  A lesson to all about putting an up-to-date cell phone number on the tags as when you are out looking, that is the usual way to communicate.

Thank goodness the man rang you, the worry you went through...

so glad you found her safe and sound!

How terrifying! So glad she is home safe now!

Oh dear, that is scary. I guess she may have gotten a little too far afield and wanted a drink or something. You might think about one of the dog GPS gizmos. Thank goodness she got to a safe haven with good folks. I'd have been frantic too.

I would have been scared to happy that things turned out okay and that Gracie is back home and safe.

My heart was racing reading this story....I am so glad she is BRILLIANT and found a way to be found! Whew!

I think she IS brilliant (and cute) just walk in and make herself at home! Thank goodness they called you right away!

OMG. I would have had heart failure.I am sooo glad that she is back safe and sound.Our girl ( Sadie) is never on a leash at home as we live on 2.5 acres  and she never leaves the property. Of course we are outside with her when she is out.This incident of yours makes me skitish.

Sadie is only on a leash when we walk off the property.

Glad all is well.



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