Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

from Facebook:

Well I have officially gone 24 hours totally fever free!!!! Cultures are still negative as far as I know! The surgeons at Providence do not want to take my case and I don't blame them. Unless something changes, I should come home next week and follow up with a great cardiologist and I will get a surgery consult at Palmetto Health Richland which is a big university where I get my CF and other care from as well! Thankfully the antibiotic appears to be working....just have to watch the device closely. Keep praying!!!

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Thank is great news.  I will keep thinking positive thoughts and hope that Jen continues to get better.

YIpee kai yai aa!  Just keep on getting better!


Good news!

The best news I've heard in awhile. I hope everything continues to go well and you are back home soon.



I just want to thank you all again .. As I was washing out my pjs in the sink this am...I got a funny card in the mail from Sheri ( Lucy and Sophie's mom)

I was told under no uncertain terms that my surgeons back home will not touch my heart!!! I guess I should be upset but I am not. I trust them a lot and if they don't think I will survive the surgery well insure as heck don't want them to touch me.

The good news is the antibiotic is working, or appears to be working enough to beat the infection down. No fevers for 24 hours is great. We will never know if some of the infection got sealed in my heart when they did the procedure but unless I get return fevers or positive cultures, no one wants to remove the device. A bit risky to leave it in being if I become resistant to this one last antibiotic, there will be nothing that can be done....but I have peace for now since I can not hold anyone up at gun point and demand they do a surgery on me that I have a poor chance of surviving.

Hopefully if my fevers stay down and cultures are negative I will get a PICC line in and go home and follow up there. I will be watched closely and any sign of trouble and the university will have to take device out, no matter what my odds are.

For now i am trying to celebrate being fever free and not tourmenting myself with the thought of infection in the device.

I have some offers for friends to fly home with me and I may just see about how many miles I have and take them up on it.

To say I have to be germ careful is the understatement of the century. No hugging, touching of anyone...for me the doctor said it is as if I have to live like they did before antibiotics because for me we don't have any...not greatnoddsnfor a girl with CF but moving forward.

Jack Daniels will be the only one I hug or touch without gloves at least for now.

Thank you for everything. I have a long ride ahead of me with many trips back and fourth to CO...and things can change at any minute if i get a fever, vegetation on my heart or positive cultures...

For all these things to be negative I put my hope in God alone!

I lam so grateful for each one of you and now I hope to catch up on the food, poop, trainingm grooming, and plain old normal things of DK as I wait to go home sometime next week. God willing

Do you need me to swing by and do your laundry?

This is Wonderful News!!


Great news!!!

I'm so happy to read this!  Good -bye fevers!

That is great news!  Rua & I are still keeping Jennifer in our prayers.



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