Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Friday Haley threw up his breakfast kibble (soft but recognizable) . It appeared that there was also some extremely rotten lawnmower droppings in the pile. He seemed to be feeling ok and he had been eating, drinking, peeing and pooping normally. Again yesterday he threw up about the same time of day and it was a big pile of kibble along with a couple of pieces of lettuce which he got at lunch time. A few minutes later he threw up again. This time, along with some very digested kibble, I found three of these:

The only difference is that they looked skeletonized. The only thing I can figure is that he either got them from digging under the compost bin to eat composted corn stalks or from some lawnmower droppings that had been run over and escaped my clean up.
I am waiting to see if anymore come up.

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ew gross! 

I've heard they are a delicacy in certain countries, full of protein.  I wonder if they were eaten alive or were they already deceased.  If they were skeletons then I'm guessing they were in the grass. Was there any pest spraying going on?

BTW am so glad I'm in a different time zone here and that it is mid afternoon with no mealtimes in the near future.

Wow! Eaten live! That brings it to a whole new level!!

I think they were alive when swallowed.  We have lots of them of this size in the compost pile.  No pest spraying.


It never ceases to amaze me what dogs will eat!!!!!!  And worse.... .then they throw those things back up on the carpet or your bed!!  Be glad it wasn't dog poop. Long ago, I had a dog who loved eating her poop and coming inside to throw it up. Gross to the max!!  I put a stop to that right away...she was only allowed out under my supervision!  What is wonderful is that we still love them no matter what nasty habits they may have :)

That's absolutely the grossest yet!

Oh Yuck! Yuck! Yuck!!!!

This city girl does not know what a grub is?

The larval stages of insects like Japanese beetles.

thanks : )

LOL, I did not know either. I just knew it was gross.



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