Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I once posted about my leash & collar obsession - Rooney & Stuart have matching leashes and collars for every holiday and various themes and since that time I have added to the collection.  So yesterday I decided to clean out a few drawers and little storage boxes and I came across my finger nail polish collection.  I decided I should go through it and get rid of the old stuff, colors I don't wear any longer, etc.  I remember doing this about 6 months ago - so how come I still have so many bottles?  Do I have a problem?  It got me to thinking - what other things do I have to excess?  Hmmm - my hotel card-key collection?  My cookbooks?  Lipstick?  So confess tell me what you have too much of and post a photo!


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Did you organize those just for us? lol  I make money out of selling (among other things) socks...way to go Karen, you can never have too many.

No, I confess to having neat dresser drawers. Nothing else, though.

What kind of socks do you sell, Nicky? There are still some colors I could use, lol.

Love it! You have yours all neatly folded... so different from my sock drawer. LOL

I am SO impressed - colored coded and folded.  Jeez - now I feel bad about myself!  LOL

Oh my gosh Karen!

OMD Karen!  I not only impressed with the lovely array of colors but the sheer magnitude of your collection in WAY impressive!   I'm lucky to find two matching socks in my meager collection.

Is one supposed to fold socks ;o ?


I have a few too many of several things.  Fabric!  I did use to have a sewing business before bc.  Now I dont really : (...I got rid of almost 1/2 of my fabric last year...I still have too much.


Cookbooks...The picture ones I like best...I can look at the yummy recipes...I certainly dont use my cookbooks.


Dog toys...Mainly stuffed Animals.


I do have too many clothes...I do really love them too.  I have gotten rid of alot of clothes...When I was organizing yesterday I thought- I have to stop wearing my 'Favorites' all the time & set out to wear all of my clothes!

Ahhhh....another fabric fanatic!   I once worked in a quilt store and bought yards and yards....and quarters...and assorted bits of cloth....all folded nicely and stored in bins in my basement....because someday I may want  to make a quilt...or maybe one hundred quilts......

Jane, I love your nail polish collection...looks like you're ready to open a salon.  LOL.  For me it's the scarves....I love them and wear the all the time.  Here's the Spring, Summer collection.  At last count we were close to 50.  I do realize that they are an obsession with me....but I figure I could have worse vices. 

I love this collection! (I also can't believe you took them all out for the photo, and now you have to put them all back!I was way too lazy to do that with the socks.)

I should get all of JD's bandanas out and take a picture. His collection of "scarves" would rival yours! I've saved every one of them from every grooming for the first 5 years I had him, lol. I keep telling myself I'm going to have a quilt made one of these days.

The quilt idea is brilliant! I don't have my guys groomed anymore but if I did I would definitely steal this idea!

They're triangular, so I thought it would work. Now all I have to do is wash them, iron them, and find someone to make the quilt, lol.



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