Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
We had a great yard last year. It isnt tobad now, but lots of dead grass where Schulz goes to the bathroom. We got the digging under control for the most part but is there something that we can do to keep the grass green and not so patchy or is this just part of haveing a dog?? Not a overly huge deal just wondering if there was something that we could do? Or is there a way to train them to only go to the bathroom in one area??
I do not think changing the pH of your dog's urine, which is what this stuff does, is a good idea just to avoid burning the lawn.
Put a capful of Apple Cider Vinegar in the water bowl - no more burn spots or yellow spots! Works like magic and it's good for them too!
There is no evidence that Apple Cider Vinegar is good for dogs or anyone. And just how does it prevent burn spots? It is a very bad idea to alter your dog's urine pH but I don't think ACV in water will change this. This is a good article from Purdue U. on dog damage to lawns, which grass varieties are less likely to be damaged etc.
LOL - I once had a beautiful sodded lawn but it was short lived. When I had small dog in the summer I would just hose down the area where she just peed. She was old and blind so she did not move around too much. Once she passed and I got Sasha, I did the same and kept up with it which was not too bad. Then Oliver came a long - now I just have given up to the fact that I love my dogs more than my lawn and also get WAY more enjoyment out of the dogs than lawn. I am always chasing a bare spot around, filling in, seeding etc. Sasha is about 50 lbs and some how digs up the sod when she runs, Oliver is about 80 lbs and does not damage the lawn like Sasha does - I guess because of the size difference. Anyway.... get use to the burn spots or hose down the area they just peeded and only use organic fertilizer and products. Once I had my doodles I would not use any chemicals on the lawn what so ever execpt if it was organic, animal friendly, eventhough the major fertilizer companies say its ok I just don't trust them.!!!
A lawn ... with green grass? HHHMMMM ... oh, I have some of that, a few patches here and there.
We have always had dogs. I gave up on that perfectly manicured lawn at least in the backyard. I live in Wisconsin and kind of out in no-man's land, so it really doesn't matter, no close neighbors to complain. I fenced it so that the dogs can't get to the front yard and turned that into a rock garden complete with prickly pear cactus. The cactus really makes people around here wonder. As for the digging, I'm trying to stop Porsche from digging. For the most part just from my wife's and my constant telling her "no" and "leave it", she seems to have stopped for now.
Move to Oregon or Washington. There's enough rain to keep the grass washed. Or if you would prefer, Rochester or Buffalo, NY which get even more days per year of rain/snow. LOL Of course, there's Kauai's Mt. Waialeale, which gets over 38 feet of rain annually. Yes, you read that right--38 feet! I guess urine burned grass is NO problem there!
I guess if you look up at the sky drowning might be a risk : )
So true! The doodles would probably be growing moss and ferns in their wet, wet fur.
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