Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
that my Daisy is not a B_ _ tch because she does not care for her two dogs crowding around her while on leash sniffing and bumping her and "barks" her dogs off.
This has happens every time we are walking through the neighborhood and run into them. Yesterday was the final straw for me and I am angry.
One of many scenarios:
Happily walking Daisy in the evening through the neighborhood, walk around one bend and there is the 4 of them, Husband and Wife and their two cattle dogs. They see us and immediately let one of their two of leash to run to us. We get appropriately excited and greet him and the other 3 quickly come up where all 3 dogs say hello...after a few sniffs and leash tangling Daisy gets anxious and barks...said friend, the woman, says Daisy is such a b-word. Usually I just consider the source and move on but last night I was ticked! Seriously?!? I never said anything but I was seething.
She now refers to my doodle as that. I am really done with it. I don't want to make an enemy but I do want to put her in her place. We used to be closer but since they don't follow the association rules i.e. keep your dogs leashed, and I am on the Board I have had to distance ourselves from them. The dogs have charged other animals and walkers so many times and even bit an elderly gentleman that they have a fine and threat of their animals being removed from the property.
Don't get me wrong, I actually love their dogs, and so does Daisy but only when all are off leash and playing at the dog park or in our basement.
The other thing that bothers me about the humans in this foursome is the way they don't pet Daisy and she is such a people pup. The husband actually puts his hand in his pocket when she goes to him to say hi. When Daisy was little, they loved and cuddled her so that is what she thinks she gets with them but they just ignore her and talk about their dogs.
I know I am being a big baby about this but I really am offended and I just want it to stop. Any suggestions?
Sounds to me like a letter from the Association is in order! I lived in an area with a HOA in Florida so understand your frustration with people blatantly violating the rules, particularly when it comes to animals. In a small neighborhood it is even tougher because most everyone knows everyone. However, rules are rules and the entire board should address it, not expect you to. Short of that, it might be helpful to explain the whole all dogs on leash or all dogs off leash concept to her and that that is what is making Daisy uncomfortable.
Yes, they got 3 letters and a fine, which they refuse to pay. Some people think rules are not for them.
I don't know about Florida but an HOA can force an owner to pay a fine or any other assessment. It takes some backbone and some work but, at least in this state, it can be done. I believe that the HOA can put a lien against the home of the transgressor...
That is exactly what they do if they try to sell their place, a lien will be enforced, seems pretty silly to stop a sale of a house because you are so stubborn and self righteous about not following rules doesn't it.
Lisa, I can tell you Fudge would not be receptive, AT ALL, to dogs charging her off leash. It is rude to let their dogs off leash and I am sure you are not the only one who it bugs. People are just idiots sometimes. I saw a woman let her very small dog on a retractable leash go up to a Shar Pei at the vet's office to "say hi." She didn't ask if the dog was friendly and thankfully, it was friendly, but she was taking a very big chance. If you say something to this woman, I strongly suspect she will continue to call Daisy and YOU the B word behind your back. I cannot imagine letting my dogs off leash if I have been warned not to by the neighborhood association and also one of my dogs bit someone. Personally, I think they should be fined every time their dogs are off leash. I hate people that think the rules only apply to others. I doubt you are going to get through to these knuckleheads, but if it happens again I would just tell them that her name is Daisy, not Bitch, and you would appreciate it if they would remember that next time. Good luck! If that doesn't work, I see an anonymous letter being forwarded to the Board of Directors :)
They refused to pay their fine...and with the cost of suits and even a lawyers letter the board decided to take the wait and see approach. Of course, if they want to sell they won't get it cleared until the $50 fine is paid, pretty expensive stance they are taking.
In their opinion, their dogs did nothing wrong with the exception of biting the older gentleman (and even that was because he was wearing a hat and the dog doesn't like men in hats) whom she personally begged not to turn it in.
These are excellent suggestions I think.
Thanks for your comments - basically they are already on the Board's list, they have had two letters and a fine (which they refuse to pay). They are actually trying to sell their condo as they want to leave the neighborhood because we are all a bunch of idiots for having rules - ha ha. I am hoping someone buys it soon or it is going to be a long summer.
I have on many occasions reminded them not to let their dogs off leash, they as you said, think the rules are for someone else.
I do like the suggestion about Daisy sitting and not getting excited, I have no idea why I never did this before, great idea. Because Daisy will do this in most cases, duh. I now can't wait to give it a try. :o)
OMD - throw "tackful" out the window. I believe that you get what you earn and they haven't earned tackful. I wouldn't wait till the next encounter. I'd be calling them up or stopping at their door and I'd explain that 1) while you love their dogs - 2) your Daisy gets uncomfortable when on leash and they let their dog rush up to her and since 3) having any dog off leash is in violation of the rules that the next time it happens you will be reporting the violation. Period end of discussion. These people are not your friends.
If that doesn't work, tell them you have a friend in Florida that isn't afraid of gators, is packing a piece, and isn't afraid to use it, and is planning a visit soon :) I think we should hire Jane out as a "Doodle Bodyguard." LOL
Hee hee - Laurie - you are too funny but I'd be happy to take them on. Without my "piece" of course - that is reserved for robbers, car jackers, rapists and the guy that goes "postal" in a coffee shop. To think that in my younger days I was a meek, mild thing that wouldn't say boo. The only good thing about growing older is that I grew a spine. I like everyone until they teach me otherwise - then I'm not going to put up with anyone's poop.
Go Jane Go!
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