Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The deal on my new house closes this week. I get my keys Friday and the movers are booked for the following Thursday. I can't believe it! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time.

I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on getting the doodles used to their new home? I'm planning on visiting every day starting Friday until next Thursday when the movers come, and then we'll be living in the house as of next Thursday, back at work the Monday after.

I'm going to bring loads of stuff with me for each visit, and I intend to bring the doodles as much as I can and let them explore.

Has anyone had any bad experiences with moving homes? I went back and found Allyson's blog about Tacky being nervous, and I'm wondering if Winston might get a bit nervous too. How about Kitties? do they get stressed out?

One of the things I'm worried about is leaving them alone in the house for the first time. What if they think I'm leaving them there in that strange place? I have images in my head of Winnie chewing his paws off and Sophie crying and howling up a storm. I'm probably totally over reacting but still. I intend to transition them slowly and I'm sure they will respond well once they see all their and my stuff is there, but I'm a bit anxious about the move as it is and then worrying about them on top of it. I know I need to relax because they will pick up on my feelings, but that is so much easier said than done.

Do you think the official moving day will be too chaotic for them? perhaps I should find a sitter... So many questions!

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The yard is a good option for the doodles. Nobody will be going in and out of there.

the lady downstairs actually moved to another unit a few weeks back. Not because of the dogs but for other reasons. But she is much friendlier when she isn't mad at me all the time :)

This is so exciting for you but I know you are a little nervous too.  You will be so busy you won't have time to worry too much. Bringing the dogs over for an explore is a good idea and I would also get a pet sitter on the actual move day.  I don't know if your cat is an indoor cat or has access to the outside but if she is used to going out I would certainly keep her in for fear she could get lost at least for the first few days and then only let her out a short time before her dinner time so as to make sure she doesn't decide to go far.  You  will be home with them from Thursday through the week end which should be time enough for them to get used to 'home'.  Best of luck with the move.

Thanks Nicky. You are touching on another issue I have been wondering about. Penelope doesn't go outside since we are in an apartment. I have been debating on letting her out. I'm so afraid she won't come back or will get lost or injured. I might just buy a harness and a line and let her roam the back yard while supervised. At least for now.

I wouldn't, Sherri. She's been fine as an indoor cat, let her continue to be. It's much much safer and she won't miss what she's never had. For all she knows, it's another apartment.

Yup.  Excellent advice.

ok, got it! I just thought she would have so much fun being able to go out and explore. But yea, it's too dangerous, especially if she's not used to it.

Cooper was fine when we moved and we have moved 4 times in her 3 years (thats 5 houses) but she is a very outgoing dog. 2 of my 3 cats were fine too. One is very skittish. She does better each time we move - the last couple of times were fine, but the first few times she was terrified - hid IN the duvet for a week once (the 2 older cats have lived in 10 houses in 8 years).

I need to stop moving!!!

We moved last year, and Scooby did just fine.

When I was a kid I remember my cat having a hard time with our move, It was a local move in Montreal,  the two cities were about 8 miles apart, and my cat managed to find it's way back to the old house!

Good luck with the closing and enjoy your new home!!! It's going to be awesome with your own yard!


That's adorable that she hid in the duvet! I know what you  mean about moving. This is the 11th move in 11 years (to Japan, back from Japan, to Ottawa w/a roommate, in with a boyfriend, out again, in again, out again, my own apartment, some more time with roommates, here, and now the house. Phew! I can't wait to settle in!

I'm so excited for you Sherri.  I really think your Doodles and kitty will be just fine.  As much as possible just try not to have them pick up on the fact that you're anxious....easier said than done.  I would definitely have a sitter for moving day....that is bound to be a stressful time.  Set your ground rules in the new house and don't be afraid to enforce them...I actually think that makes them more comfortable. 

Good idea about ground rules. They should understand that even if this is new territory for all of us, I'm still in charge.



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