Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I am just wondering if anyone else has had problems with chewing on walls and woodwork? Pete will chew and scratch the walls and sometimes the trim around the doorway. he has only done it when we are gone and I know its probably from boredom, but I don't know what to do to get him to stop. When we are gone we make sure he has plenty of toys and I give him rawhide chews and toys with treats, anything to keep him busy. I have run out of ideas. I can't have him chew up the house when we are gone. he doesn't have the run of the whole house, just one room.
How old is Pete? I have friends whose dog chews window sills, the bottom of cabinets, etc. They had a carpenter come in and put metal covers over the window sills (those that are outside on his dog run and small patio area), as well as a protective cover over the door. Although my dood does not chew wood, he started chewing on the couch when I was out, so I am back to crating him, but never longer than 4 hours. When I come home I am not stressed out about what damage I may find and he is a happy to see me. Camus is ~ 2.5 years. You might be interested in this link:
Pete is 10 months old now. I crate him when we aren't gone long, but when I am at work, I confine him to one room that I thought was safe for him, no plugins, etc. I have a whole routine I do getting it ready for him in the mornings, toys, treats, water, blanket, radio (country station) etc, etc. I just want him to be as content as possible and not too bored. Thanks for the info.
Our Springer liked bitter apple apparently and was not deterred because his was anxiety and not puppy destructiveness.
Riley did go through a chewing period and I sprayed with bitter apple. He grew out of it pretty quickly and the spray did the trick. Lots and lots of exercise before you leave if you aren't already doing it should help too.
If he doesn't mind his crate and is content in it, I see no problem with keeping him crated while you are at work. It is definitely safer if he is a major chewer. Most dogs do nothing but sleep when their people are I don't think they are worried themselves about their boredom. Truly bored dogs FIND things to do, usually naughty things, they don't wallow in boredom. Do you know if he barks or howls or is otherwise anxious when you are gone? Separation anxiety would worry me, but not boredom because a crate will prevent naughty behavior. Just my thoughts, I am a big fan of crates.
He is probably not ready yet to be free with access to the doorway when you are not home. I would either crate him or gate him away from the walls by the doorway. It sounds like a little separation this a new behavior?
not new, just doing it more lately, that's why I thought maybe he was just bored. I do put Bitter Apple on it and he leaves it alone. But last week he picked another spot on the wall and started in on that, not far from the last one. Do I spray the whole wall down?
I'm afraid he may just keep moving on to a new spot, and you can't spray everything down. Has he ever done it when you are around? Catching him "in the act" and then spraying the bitter apple into his mouth or correcting in some other way is probably the most effective way. Is he getting plenty of exercise and mental stimulation when you are home?
I've heard of tea tree oil, but never used it for anything. Where can I find it?
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