Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This has been something that has bothered me for a LONG time now. So this is somewhat of a rant

People will buy fake service dog vests from online sources, and then take their pet into stores with them. Even people who use their therapy dog vests to pass their dog as a service dog bug me. There was a woman trying to take in her St Bernard to a walmart, stating that he was a therapy dog for "severe melancholy"....

I have read a lot about issues that real service dogs have getting into places, because of these people. Basically, someone will take in a dog who is NOT a legitimate service animal, then the dog will cause problems or disruptions because it is a pet, and not as well trained as a legitimate service animal. Then the owner will not want to allow in any service dogs in the future, and even though they are required, will be more difficult or try to avoid allowing it. 

Do you know anyone who does this? I know a woman who adopted a 6 month old black lab from the shelter last year. She purchased a service dog vest online and takes him everywhere with her, claiming he's a real service dog. This dog is not well trained, will react to other dogs, kids, cats, etc. And barks when he's in public places. Basically, he actually creates disturbances. She does have a disability, she has Parkinson's disease, an uncommon form of it. She told me she uses him to pull herself up when she falls. That is the only service he performs aside from companionship. The point is that when out in public, the dog doesn't aid her. In fact he's a hindrance because she constantly has to control/drag him away from whatever he's reacting to.

She posted a status today about how annoyed she was with a man trying to pass his little toy breed off as a service dog. She said she confronted him because it's just wrong. She doesn't see that she does the same thing??? I want so badly to tell her off/confront her but I'm too much of a wimp to do so. Is there a good way for store owners to distinguish between a legitimate service dog and these false online certifications?

Have any of you come across someone who does this?

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Camilla, I so agree with you!  The dogs that have earned the right to wear a service dog vest should be the ONLY ones who can wear that vest.  As it happens, I do know someone who puts a service dog vest on her dog so he can go everywhere with her.  It's an unfair thing to do, but I do have to say her dog is very well-behaved.

It seems to me like they should be required to have some ID or something on them to prove the dog is in fact, a service dog.  I don't know anyone who does this and there is no way Fudge or Vern could fake anyone out :)

There is an ID for real service dogs, but the fake vest websites also give certification (which you can obtain in a matter of mnutes) offer it as well. I think it would be hard for a store owner to be able to tell the difference.

Wow....I did not know that.

Who issues the ID?  Is it nationally recognized AND required?

I don't know. I've been trying to find out but when I google search all I can find is the false ones.

Here is the revised ADA guidelines but I don't think there is a recognized, standardized training program. It would be difficult because the services dogs render, form helping the blind to detecting hypoglycemia are so diverse.

It's easy to do because there is no official Service Dog National Test or certificate.  Not even anything like the CGC that is official.  The dog does not have to go to a special school or training or anything official at this point.  I had heard that something about the law is changing/has changed/will soon change, but I don't recall any specific proof-of-training requirement being added in.

I have to admit that when I was training Rosco for the therapy dog test and CGC I did put on his vest and walked into Home Depot kinda sorta hoping they'd think he was a service dog.  I would NOT have lied had they asked, but since that one time I just started going in with him without any accessories and nobody minded.

I used to bring my dog to Home Depot but then they stopped allowing it.

Heh, heh--as I recall, your dog was the only one banned.  LOL


Whooooo hoooooo!  Eat your heart out, RickiBear!



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