Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So, sad.  We just found out from our breeder that our goldendoodle we had put a deposit on died.  From what we were told the 2 reds of the litter passed away from a strange internal organ bleeding condition.  We have since decided to go with another breeder (which we need to find in Northern California).  Please feel free to PM me with any great Goldendoodle breeders in the bay (there aren't many- most seem to be labradoodle breeders).  The wait lists are so long and we were so ready to have our girl home now!  We are heartbroken.

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Oh my goodness! I am so sorry! I will PM you with our breeder's name. I'm glad you aren't staying with the original breeder.

Such sad news. I think your decision to go with another breeder is best.

I'm so sorry, how terribly sad. 

A very sad turn of events.  Hoping a great puppy is right around the corner for you.

What a a sad thing to have to go through. But it sounds like you were not supposed to have that puppy. Don't worry, YOUR sweet puppy is just waiting to meet you! Hang on until things work out as they were meant to!

I looked up the breeder - they do seem pretty good from their website. i would want to know more information regarding what happened if you do stay with this breeder

I know, I was shocked by the outcome too.  If I get anymore information, I will definitely let you know...

I'm so sad for you, Rebecca!  I hope you find a new puppy soon...

I just wanted to thank you all for your wonderfully uplifting and supportive comments.  We are now in the process of researching and talking to more breeders in our area to find our next family member (hopefully sooner than later!)

I just want to point out that puppies do die sometimes, they are so tiny anything can happen. I know a lot of you have been burned and are skeptical but a reputable breeder is not oing to do something fishy. I would give them the benefit of the doubt your mony was rapidly refunded. I understand going with another breeder but don't assume the worst.

Thanks for the positive reminder.  :-)  I don't think that the breeder did anything wrong, it's just a weird thing that happened and as of yet, they don't even know what happened.  That coupled with the fact they they are a full day's drive away from us- we have decided to look for a breeder closer to home.  

Karen, Thank you for sharing your story with me.  Although I'm super sad at the loss of the two puppies, I am glad to hear that you know the breeder, have met them and their dogs and still trust them.  If you happen to find out what illness the puppies got, I'd really appreciate the update...  Thanks again for the piece of mind :-)



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