Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I need help. my 7 month old ladbraoodle Dixie is chewing anything that is wood in the house. my training issue is resolved but she is chewing the wood stairs in my basement.I have chew toys, kongs that I put peanut butter in, + plenty of raw hids.  I was doing housework for about an hour and went to check on her + she was chewing the basement stair- and had been at it for a while.

Pease help with any ideas to resolve this.



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Never leave puppy out of your sight.  Try tethering her to you all the time. That way you are right there to stop bad behaviour. She is much too young to be left alone even for a minute.  Puppies are a handful for awhile, this too will pass.  All the chew toys are great ideas, just cant leave them alone not even for a minute,they have no idea what is permissible stuff to chew on.

Was she confined to the basement, or was she free to go elsewhere in the house?

My mom made a paste with cayenne pepper and put it on her wood furniture  My mom's wood furniture is real wood and the paste did not harm it in any way.

Is she crate trained?   If she can't be near you while you are busy in the house, a crate is a much safer option because she can't get to chew anything dangerous or expensive. 

Tethering is great too, but depending on the type of housework you're doing it might not be realistic (scrubbing a tub with bleach, mopping, or other cleaning with harsh chemicals or that you don't want the dog getting involved in like sweeping).  But washing dishes, dusting, cleaning up clutter and such probably would be fine with a doodle attached to you by a leash. 

Mine avoided the Bitter Apple spray like the plague. I never found that it harmed the furniture or baseboards.

I was going to suggest spraying with the bitter apple...Cyndi beat me to it.


We do not let our dogs have any raw hide products as they can cause GI obstructions.


Good luck!!!

This behavior is often caused by boredom or lack of exercise.   At seven months they are still puppies with tons of energy.  How often is Dixie getting walked and what are you doing for training?  They need physical and mental exercise....or they'll find their own "things to do".

I agree ... the only chewing issues we ever had I could track back to lack of exercise because they had not gotten to get rid of that excess energy.

Have you tried cow hooves? I get mine at a farm supply store (plain with no filling!) or in bulk at Dr's Foster and Smith. They keep my dogs busy and satisfy their urge to chew better than anything else. I spent a lot of money on antlers and they liked them for about 10 minutes. Hooves cost $1 or less and last several days. It will help to subdue some of that energy--but I agree that tethering or exercise will help also. You can also tie the pup to a table with you working nearby where you can keep an eye on her --but make sure she has stuff other then the table to chew on!

While I agree that he will probably love a cow hoof, OMD do they stink!

Can't have everything!

An additional thought, I equate letting a puppy on their own,  would you place ur baby on the floor and walk away?  they are babies and in my mind until the age i would trust a baby they get no freedom of movement or a watch-fall eye.



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