Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I know each individual dog is different but I wondered if there are any consistent differences between the two and if any of you who have one of each would share both the similarities and differences.
I'll agree with Laurie BUT add that people that own both Labradoodles AND Goldendoodles are twice as awesome!!! LOL
Seriously - I have no clue about the difference although I can say that there is a Big difference between my ALD and my goldendoodle. The ALD (Rooney) doesn't shed - not one hair - and I've never heard of an ALD from a reputable breeder that does (although I'm not saying it couldn't happen). Goldendoodle (Stuart) sheds BAD - as in puppies, some Goldendoodles don't shed though. The big difference is their personalities - my ALD has herding tendencies, smart to the extreme, has bouts of zoomies but doesn't require that same intense level of activity, easily trained and very cooperative. Goldendoodle is goofy, funny, with looks that never fail to get attention in public. Requires a very high level of exercise; i.e. 3 walks a day, 1 trip to dog park for chasing a ball, running two miles with dh and then he STILL has energy to spare. Smart but also can be a bit lazy, as in I'll sleep while I'm being groomed and if the groomer wants me out of this tub while I'm snoozing - too bad for her.
I'll be interested to see the differences between a Labradoodle and a Goldendoodle - I'm guessing that they are close to the same?
Frankie Girl is a labradoodle and apart from her coat, which is very poodle, she is totally all lab. There really is not much "ooodle" in her. She just lives to hunt, hunt and more hunt. Whether it be bunnies, lizards, or even bird shadows, she is constantly on the "hunt". She even "points" when she "thinks" she has seen a bunny in the distance. She stops, the big old paw comes up, and she is statue still. She is smart and very sensitive, but sometimes, the "hunting" thing becomes like OCD and she completely tunes us out. She truly is one of the best dogs ever, but her drive to constantly hunt sometimes drives me crazy.
Hi Nicky, I don't know whether I can answer your question but I do have both, Sasha (almost 3 yrs old) is my goldendoodle and Oliver (2 yrs old) is my Labradoodle. They are both awesome, loyal, playfull dogs and I really do not see any difference in either dog except one is a female and one male. Sasha is a bit skidish and extremely intellegent and very alert. My Ollie is just so laid back, and is very social. He loves to socialize with dogs and humans alike. The differences in my dogs can be difference that are in any breed and/or dog. Both my doodles love me to bits and the feeling is mutual ;). This was probably not much help but in my opinion there really is no significant difference.
I once heard that Labradoodles are the life of the party and Goldendoodles are the drunk at the party. I could totally picture Gavin wearing a lampshade on his head!
So funny!!! :)
Lucy is a goldendoodle and she is a velcro doodle. She also seems to be a 1 person dog. She wants to be with me 24/7 and is very very spoiled, I didn't do that though </;-) hahahahaha. If I am out of town for a couple of days, my DH says all she does is lay around, won't eat or drink and then is back to normal when I get home. She is a hunter too, doesn't care if it is a squirrel, bunnie, bird or snake she is on it and will not give up. Goldendoodle, labradoodle doesn't matter they are all special.
Halas is a mini goldendoodle, and he's in the velcro-doodle category. I don't have a labradoodle of my own to compare him to, though. I think he's very low energy, especially compared to the labs on our flyball team. When Halas does have a lot of energy, it doesn't last very long. He is friendly, sometimes overly friendly. He gets really excited at the sight of a person, because surely that person will want to pet him. He does have a bit of a prey drive. And he likes to swim, with or without permission. He likes to play ball, but he isn't ball-obsessed. Since I have a goldendoodle, Laurie must think I'm very nice. That's not usually the first thing that comes to mind when my friends describe me, so I'll take it. Usually, something like smarta$$ is first on the list.
I have had a shepard/lab mix and now a goldendoodle. It is hard to say what is breed and what is personality/temperament, but our lab mix was definitely higher energy as a young dog. He was also more independent and excitable. As he aged (5+ years) he was became mellow. He was non-aggressively protective at times and pretty confident although submissive (some might have been the german shepard). Our goldendoodle would definitely not be classified as high energy, he is mellow and intuitive for being a puppy and doesn't demand has much physical activity. He is also a velcro dog and very attached and attentive to me already, he is more of a "wuss" meant in the sweetest way possible! Both were/are intelligent, loyal and affectionate. Our lab/shepard shed like crazy! Finn hardly sheds but takes a lot more grooming time since we keep his coat long and it is a thick, wavy fleece. Our goldendoodle came from a long, carefully bred line of goldens which might also account for the difference in temperament, but who knows! It seems you get more color variations with labradoodles given what was mentioned above about the varieties and from what I have seen personally.
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