Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Somebody either talk me into or out of this, please!  Toby is four, and pretty near perfect - in our eyes, anyway.  For some reason I just have this intense desire for another doodle!  

If you're talking me into it, please direct me to someone in Southern Ontario with doodle pups.... ha, ha.

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If Toby is anything like Baker, he's truly a dog's dog...loves them all, has good play manners & I've been told social skills...don't get me wrong, he loves his people too, but he 'comes alive' when another dog enters the didn't seem fair to have him exist only for the dog park when he could have a BFF at home :)

I love having two dogs & two faces looking up at me :)  I'll be interested in what you decide.  I watched DRC for many weeks before deciding on a puppy & only one in this area appeared.  I inquired about her, but she was a jumper/runner & we live at the top of a hill near a busy highway.

If you want a doodle puppy from a good breeder, I've found it takes lots & lots of time.   There is quite a competition for the pups.  Good luck in whatever you decide...keep us posted :)

HI.  I have had 2 dogs in the past, and I too, have the itch to add to the doodle family.  I have an almost 2 year old and both me and my husband feel she needs a friend.  I am not doing the puppy route.  I will adopt, like I always do.  There are so many that need a home.

Good Luck.

We have had 2 dogs twice...The 1st time we got a 2nd was not planned...We were told about a puppy that needed a Home...we went to 'look' at the puppy the next day & brought her home with us. (we had a 3 year old dog at home)

This puppy was the best & sweetest thing & these 2 dogs got along very good.  We called them the 'Bookends'

The puppy died at the young age of 4.  And I wanted to get a 2nd dog again.   Our oldest was now 7 years old...She had 6 months of just us & her.  She enjoyed that.

We brought home the new puppy...And they got a long pretty much.  They were never mean to each other (biting, fights or growling).  But the puppy tormented the older dog until she died at 13 years of age...She would not let her chew on bones...She would not let her have a stuffed animal or a ball (she would take them from her- the older dog gave them up easily)  We did play with them one on one...But for the most part they were usually together.

I still feel guilty that our 2nd pup didnt let the oldest have as much fun as she should have...And I loved that Pup too.


The cost was hard- 2 annual check ups, food, kenneling them, etc

I still would love a 2nd dog someday...But I will probably stick to one- because Trixie loves to be the center of attention.

I'm not sorry that I got my second Doodle, but I will tell you that it is a much bigger commitment than I expected.  We have had to do extensive training because he is a very reactive dog.  He has IBS so home cooking and expensive freeze dried raw food.  It's double grooming....time and $.  I love him to death, but my guy is a "handful"  I'd say just be sure you have the time and resources just in case you end up with a Doodle who is going to challenge you.  All that said, I can't even imagine life without him.

I personally will not ever be a 1 dog household.  I have always seen dogs as pack animals.  I think they are happier with a companion of the same species to communicate with.  I currently have 3 dogs, never intended on 3 but that's the way things ended up.  I got a doodle, then of course another doodle.  Then I already had my lab mix who is now 10 this yr.  2 dogs is perfect for my house, 3 is tough sometimes.  I like watching them play, and they really do become a team.  I do not regret the third dog because they are my life and they all 3 def worth every dime, but the worse drawback is expenses for me.    Like I said, 2 is great, and I think you would enjoy it and def Toby would love it.  Go for it :)

I had two doodles for a few years and then when the second one had pups, I kept one--so now I have three!  I agree that the expense is greater (the Advantix bills are killing me!) but they are always together, they play, they run around and generally get along great--I think doodles in particular like the company of other dogs--at least it seems that way from reading posts on this site! I think you will also find that puppy training can be easier (although not always!) because the older dog takes the younger one on and teaches it by example. Plus the older dog plays with the puppy and tires it out!

It isn't always perfect though and sometimes it takes a while for them to establish a "pecking order". When my puppy was just a few months old (he is now 1 1/2) he took the position of the alpha dog and never let it go--I was so surprised to see his momma just giving in to him, as she was the alpha before he came along. He is quite the macho man now....

Hi Sandy.  This past January, my husband and I made the decision to add a second doodle to our family.  We talked until we were exhausted about the risks of ending up with a puppy that was not as "perfect" as our six-year-old ALD, Wally.  And, we worried about how that would impact our lives for many, many years to come.  We knew that it was going to be a huge gamble, because even with extensive research in finding the right breeder, there was still a possibility that the puppy would not be the addition of our dreams.  Ultimately, we decided to take our chances, AND ARE SO HAPPY THAT WE DID!  Charlotte joined our family three weeks ago, when she was eight-weeks-old.  I'll admit that raising a puppy -- any puppy -- is a lot of work, but we couldn't be more thrilled with the way things are going.  And, Wally likes her, too :o)

I will always have more than one.  We have two dogs right now (one doodle, one Weim) We love it.  We also foster dogs and puppies, so its pretty rare that we don't have 3 in the house.  having multiples is wonderful.  My two girls are so in love with each other and they really are best friends.  I love seeing that.  Plus the two of them have helped many fosters come out of their shells and learn how to be dogs again!  Honestly, its a decision I have never regretted.  

He he Sandy, you have puppy fever!!  Toby is such a mellow guy that I wouldn't imagine you would have too much trouble adding another dog to your household! 

But, my caution is that what would you do if they didn't get on?  Something we had never considered until we got Chase and the problems that came with him.  Now Hartley is 4 1/2 and Chase is 3 1/2, and after two years of really hard work on our part they finally (kind of) get along - no more fighting anyway!!

There is the cost to consider as well - double the grooming, double the vet bills, double the food bill, double the pulling on walks -- assuming that the new one ends up as big as Toby!!

I think Toby would love a new puppy.  Could you take him with you back to your breeder so he could visit with the puppies?  He might chose one for you!!

I have found a doodle breeder with a couple of dogs she would like placed in a guardian home.  I am going to meet her and the dogs tomorrow.  I know this means joint ownership, and that the dog would not be "fixed", but I think it could be a good way for me to go.  One of them is 6 months old, and another is 9 months old.  Of course, even if she like us and we like her and the dog, it will also depend on whether Toby and the dog get along.  If they don't, I wouldn't even consider it.  Toby was here first, and he must be considered.  She also has a couple of 8 week old pups she would like to place for future breeding, but with an older one I would skip the biting stage.  :)  Thoughts?

There is a group for guardian families. Some people are very happy with the arrangement. I considered it but the constraints as far as what to feed, how to groom and train etc. were not for me. Plus if the dog is female she will be out of the house for five or more weeks after litters. An unneutered male can be problematic in terms of roaming or marking. Check out the group.

Thank you.  She has all females available.  We will be talking about what she expects when I meet with her.  What I DO like is the fact that you are guaranteed a very healthy dog.  :)  I will check out that group.



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